The Truth Unfolds

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~Chapter Fifteen~

Luther observed Calvin mount his horse and pulled his cloak over his head vanishing through the thick trees. He looked around and observed his men, each one with a questionable look. Ordering them to go back to their business, they began to murmur with one another. He paid no mind to them and went about tending to his fallen tent, making certain it stood as it was. When he finished settling it, he made his way inside to find Ettie giving a small moan as she turned to her side. Relief flooded him to see she had been so unaware of the vast uproar outside. He tended to his wounds, washed any trace of blood from his face, and finally settled in next to her.

His eyes scrutinized her soft complexions, how the balminess of her figure soothed him into slumber. It had been a long month since he had last had the company of a female and so Luther wrapped his masculine frame around Ettie and held her close. Savoring her nearness, he rested his chin over her head and gave a light sigh as he pretended just for the night that he had someone who in return loved him. To his surprise, she snuggled into his her thin arms wrapping around him as well.

She was the key to his freedom, his chance out of the woods and of Theodosia all together. Tomorrow morning the hunt for the child would begin and Luther would vanish, leave all behind to board a ship that could take him to the land of freedom. He did not stand a chance here, and stripping possessions from Theodosians was not what he wanted to do all his life. Deep down he knew he could amount to improved things, and with the four hundred shillings of gold he was set to come and go as he pleased. For the moment, he rested and took Ettie into his arms and held her close.


The rain trickled down the elongated window as Calvin watched the miserable weather gloom his mood all the more. His emerald gaze searched the muddy road for any sign of Luther; his patience was running short as he saw it. He forced his tired and worn body to push away from the window and sit. What would he do once she was recovered? Would he be able to contain himself from running straight into his arms? After the incident with Luther, he was certain the damn idiot was lying but how could he have proved his bluff? His fingers raked through his hair as he began to bounce a knee, feeling the atmosphere around him grow extremely thick.

Calvin stood and quickly exited his study feeling the large chamber as a prison. Storming past several servants he marched his way up to the third floor. When Calvin found himself standing in the old chamber once again he gave a light sigh as it fogged before him.

If he felt his heart cling to another then it was perhaps time that he prove it. Quietly he lit a few melted candles in the room and looked around trying to decide what to gather into a large chest and finally put away forever. Rolling up his sleeves he forced himself to bury his head into what he was doing as he dusted off a large chest and cracked the lock open. A few things of Lydia remained there, more than a dozen letters piled over another as he reached out to them. His chest constricted as he saw whom they were addressed to, he stood feeling his skin prickle as anger, and hurt overshadowed his heart.

His hands shook as he gathered several letters into his hands all addressed to him from Lydia. Had he been that blind as to not know that his wife had written letters to a brother he considered more a stranger? For a long moment, all Calvin could do was stare at them, his fingers wanted to push each folded end open and see what was inside.


Ettie felt herself blush as her eyes examined how Luther snuggled into her neck. She had been lying awake for a long moment waiting for Luther to move or simply roll to his side, but instead he wrapped his arms around her even tighter and held her there. The only man she had ever been this painfully close to know was a far distant dream. Ettie gave a small sigh as her heart skipped to think of the master. Her only hope was that Henry had long been found and now was under the protection of his father. For a moment, she allowed herself to think of him, to let Calvin's chiseled jaw and penetrating gaze steal her thoughts.

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