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Filler- New Years eveee next chapter

"You still going for a nap?" He asks as we head in through his front door.

"Mhm." I hum, then look up at him. "If that's still okay?"

"It's fine." Cole says, sending me a small smile. "Emersyn and I can do something together."

Emersyn just rushes inside and goes to dump her coat and things.

"Em." I mumble, hoping that's enough to tell her to hand them to me indeed.

I was very tired honestly.

Cole takes them off her and then he laughs at my exhausted stance leant up against the stairs and he just walks towards me to hang up Emersyn's stuff.

And I hold my breath when he unzips my coat for me as well.

"Go get some sleep Nova."

"Okay." I whisper and Colton just gives me a soft look and then as I wiggle out of my coat, he takes it and hangs it up for me.

"Sleep now."

"Im going." I whine and he just laughs, watching after me as I walk up the stairs.

I hope he knows to check- it's fine Cole knows Emersyn so well now.

It's cool.

I make my way to our bedroom and I happily get changed into something comfier to sleep in.

We had stayed in the diner for hours, just drinking coffee and chatting, Emersyn happily colouring away as Cole and I found little excuses to touch the other.

Not bad touches just- I don't know what the fuck is going on.

All I know is I need to sleep and as I climb under the covers it doesn't take me long to fall into rest.


"Mumma?" Emersyn whispers straight into my ear and I startle awake, flinching away from her hot breath and she gives me an offended look.

To which I wince and open my arm for her.

I was having such a nice sleep, how upsetting.

"Where's cole baby?"

"He is trying to find icepops."

But it's winter.

"Why?" I ask.

"Cos we wanted some." She smiles. "I just wanted to know if you wanted some?"

"Bub mumma was sleeping." Cole's voice at the doorway makes me sleepily bring Emersyn over me, to which she just giggles and I snuggle into her as I turn to look at him.

"I'm sorry-" He starts and Emersyn just turns her head in his direction.

"I know she was asleep but it's ok, you just gotta whisper in her ear and she wakes up."

I pout at him, and then close my eyes, pulling the duvet up around Em and me and she relaxes into my hold, secretly liking the cuddles.

She wont admit it.

But she does.

"Emersyn I mean it's not nice to wake someone who's asleep." He says and she just frown and pulls her head away from where is was tucked into me and looks at my face.

"But I thought you might like a lolly."

I laugh gently and place my lips against her forehead.

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