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Hi I hope your day is good, enjoy this please! And remember to vote and comment because it makes me happy and I hope this makes you happy so yeah:)

Nova's POV

"Mumma?" Emersyn knocks on the door and then doesn't hesitate to come in.

It was early Monday morning and I just blinked in shock at the sudden awakening.

"Yeah baby?" I say lifting my head and pulling the covers up to cover myself.

Cole was somewhere behind me, his hand over my stomach but otherwise not touching me elsewhere.

I think he was still fast asleep.

"Can I come up?"

"Yeah." I whisper to her and she clambers into bed besides me.

"One second." I say and I lean over her, grabbing my nightshirt from the floor and I pull it over my head.

Just to be less exposed.

"You okay?" I ask, lying back down besides her and I feel Cole stir awake, moving closer to me and I just laugh slightly when he hugs me from behind half asleep.


I really liked him here.

"There is a monster."

I look at her and she just stares at my face, her eyes wide, no lie being told from her mouth.

I nod.

"You wanna tell me more?"

"Shh." Cole mumbles from behind me and I chuckle at that, elbowing him gently and he wakes up a little more, realising he just shushed us.


I just roll my eyes at Emersyn, tutting in exaggeration and nodding back to Cole.

"Rude isn't he?"

"Yeah." She mumbles and moves closer to me, tucking in under my arms and I just frown at her random affection.

I fucking love her cuddles, but occasionally she's not really into them.

"Tell mumma about the monster bub." Cole mumbles his lips pressed into my hair and I just lean my head back and he wraps his arm around me tighter, and then when he makes contact with Emersyn, he pulls us both more into him.

Em just mumbles incoherently into my top.

"Pardon?" I say, moving my hand to tilt her chin up so she could tell me and then I frown when she looks legitimately scared.

"Emmy what happened?"

"In my bedroom there's a monster."

Both Cole and I tense.

Because we know monsters.

"What type of monster?" Cole says, looking over me and down at our baby and she just looks to him now.

"He was green and he had fluffy hair but his hair was red and his eyes yellow but like big like bugs and I think he might have also had five arms."

Cole and I both relax.


"Oh I see." He mumbles, and he lies back down, his legs tucking up behind me.

"Oh no baby. Don't worry do you want me to tell you a secret?" I ask and she nods.

"When bad monsters come, all you need to do is make a funny sound at them. They get scared and they run off."

"They do?"

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