chapter seven // narrow escape.

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I dashed into my bedroom, my heart pounding out of my chest, and grabbed my backpack. I swung it over my left shoulder and ran towards the back door. I knew immediately what Vic was planning to do.

I needed to get away from here.

I dashed outside; I was inches away from my car, which looked much more enticing than usual. I felt as though I were about to pass out. My head was spinning, my feet were stumbling beneath me, and the sharp breaths of air I attempted to take burned my chest.

I was so close.

So close.

My tired feet failed me and I crashed down to the spiky grass. The hard soil hit my already sensitive bruises from times Vic had hurt me before. My body ached all over.

A cold, clammy hand grasped my shoulder and pulled me up. I wheeled around to face Vic, determined to escape from her. Despite the fact that I was about to puke, I felt confident enough to kick my horrid stepmother right in the shins.

But that's when I saw it.

The ruler in her hand.

My eyes widened and I felt all the color drain from my face. My heart rose to my throat and I felt as though I was going to lose it. It all felt like slow motion.

She swung up the ruler like a golf club, getting ready to smack me.

"Vic?" My dad called in a skeptical voice from the top of the stairway.

Vic stopped dead right before hitting my wrists. She quickly turned her head.

"Yes, dear?" As Vic's head was turned, I took the opportunity to stomp on the wretched woman's big feet. She let out a horrible shriek and I dashed to my car as she let go of my wrist.

I ran as fast as I could, head pounding, tears falling.

That was a narrow escape.

I hopped into my car and sped over to Reeja's house and parked in her small garage. She was already there waiting for me and hugged me tightly before she led me to sit on her bed.

I broke down into tears as I explained what happened. She held me still in an attempt to calm me down.

"It's going to be okay Grace," She said as she rubbed my back. "Do you want me to go over and beat up Vic?" She laughed. I smiled and nodded as I let out a loud sniffle.

Reeja put on some quiet music and I calmed down a little. I opened my new laptop to start on my resume; Reeja helped me write some things out since I've never written one before. It was difficult, but I'll admit it was quite fun.

We both passed out around 11:30, both tired from a long day. However, I woke up around 3:00 AM, restless from not being able to say goodbye to my family. I started texting my dad, trying to tell him why I ran away, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. The memories of my stepmom held me back like chains covering my body.

"Hi Dad, I know I left so soon and didn't explain anything, but I can't tell you what happened. I just want you to know I love you. Tell Milo, Cooper, Oliver, and Amelia I love them as well."

After lots of deleting and revising, I left it at that.

I had trouble falling asleep; tossing and turning, restless and overthinking.

I finally woke up at around 11:00 in the morning. I was surprised Reeja didn't wake me up; she's an early bird who likes to wake up at 6:00 in the morning. I, on the other hand, would sleep all day if I could.

I walked into the kitchen and the smell of French Toast hit me in the face. I yawned and stretched my arms as I took a seat on a barstool.

"Someone slept well I presume!" Reeja said while cooking some bacon on the skillet.

I laughed. "Yeah, that was the most sleep I've ever gotten since before Vic . . ." I trailed off.

"Ah, screw her. As long as you're here, you can sleep until 5:00 in the evening if you wanted to,"

"I think I'll quit this interview and live with you!" We both laughed. A loud timer went off, causing both of us to jump.

"Mum! French Toast is ready!" Reeja yelled as her mother ran to the kitchen. She took some oven mitts and pulled the toast out of the oven.

Reeja's dad walked in and stole a piece of bacon, earning a punch in the gut from Reeja.

We all sat down at the dining table and started eating our brunch. Reeja and her parents were all talking contentedly and seemed to be enjoying life. I longed for my life to be like that. Reeja had a good relationship with her parents, they're like her best friends. It made me start thinking of my mum. Maybe my life would be like that if that car didn't run that red light and hit her . . .

"Are you excited about your interview, Grace?" Reeja's dad asked me, breaking my moment of deep thoughts.

"Oh yes, I'm excited but pretty nervous. I've never had an interview before, so I'm not sure what to expect,"

"Oh! That reminds me, we have to get you ready for your interview!" Reeja gasped, dropped her fork, and grabbed my arm to take me to her room.


Thank you sooooo much for 162 reads! I really appreciate it! Thank you SO MUCH for the support! <3 Y'all are the bestest 😉

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