chapter fifteen // someone to rely on.

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"Hey, Kaitlyn? Is it okay if Christian, Adrian, and I eat outside today? I need to talk with them," I asked my stepmother. I looked down and saw two terrified faces looking back at me. I think the two boys knew what was coming.

"Sure. Go ahead, have fun!"

I grabbed Christian and Adrian's little arms with a strong grip so they didn't have a chance to run away from me.

We sat in silence as we ate our breakfast, today's menu being blueberry muffins. I noticed Christian shifting uncomfortably in his seat, and Adrian was nervously looking at me. I finally decided I should speak up.

"Listen here, you two. I need you to be good for Miss Gracey. It may seem like fun for you two, but it isn't for her. I found her crying in her room last night."

"Sure you did. You're just making that up so we can be good—"

"No, I didn't! All you two do is cause havoc," I yelled. "There's nothing in the world you're good at except for that! Now shut up and act like actual princes!" I realized I went a bit too far. I looked down at my brothers' faces. Their heads hung low as they stared at the floor. Adrian started crying a little, though I was sure he was faking it, he always did.

"I don't feel guilty for what I said. What you two did was wrong and you need to say sorry to Gracey. I won't punish you now, but I will make sure if you ever do anything to her again you're gonna pay for it,"

"No punishment?" Just as I suspected, Adrian immediately stopped his 'crying.' They both gave me a thumbs-up as they dashed inside. I hope they're good to her. I'm going to keep an eye on those two.


I slowly opened my eyes and looked around the room, confused by my surroundings. I wasn't used to waking up here, but I think I would get along with it just fine. I would stay here all day if I could.

I didn't know what time I had fallen asleep last night. It was all a blur.

I do remember Niall coming into my room. I groaned; that was embarrassing, I didn't want him to see me like that. But he was so sweet. His voice was deep and calming and he smelled of a fall day: pumpkin spice and apple cider. He wasn't at all who I thought he might've been. I expected him to be a cocky, egocentric man, but he was quite a gentleman.

I snapped out of my thoughts as it finally sunk in as to where I was. I have work. I jumped out of bed and checked my phone for the time.

I was late.

I dashed to the closet, threw on a hoodie, and grabbed some leggings. I jumped around struggling to get my foot into the right pant leg. Of course, my clumsy self ended up tripping and falling right on my butt. I slowly picked myself back up and ran to brush my teeth, then quickly braided my hair. Hopefully, I didn't run into Niall, I looked like I was homeless! Note to self, set an alarm next time.

I dashed down the flight of stairs as fast as I possibly could. I gained momentum as I ran through the halls on my way to the kitchen. But before I could save myself, my legs suddenly gave out from under me and I fell to the floor.

I groaned in pain as I rubbed my forehead. My head was throbbing.

"Do you need help, Miss Gracey?" I looked up to see Christian and Adrian standing there with innocent looks on their faces.

"I got it. Thank you though," I said, my voice bitter. I stood up and brushed myself off to rid of the invisible specks of dust. I faked a smile and briskly walked to the kitchen.

"Wait!" I heard the boys quickly running after me. "We're really sorry about yesterday. We just wanted to have a little bit of fun but we realized what we did was wrong. Forgive us?"

I shook my head and laughed. "We'll be spending all day every day together for a while. And I plan to stay as long as I possibly can. We need to be able to get along. I want to get to know you boys and I want us to have a fun time together, but that will mean for you to cooperate. Yes, I forgive you, but I need you to promise me you'll help me out here. Babysitting isn't just a one-person job, it takes a team. Promise you'll be nice?"

"Pinky Promise." They extended their pinkies and we took turns shaking them.

I watched the two boys run off to play some football. I turned around and saw Niall standing there, giving me a heartwarming smile. He winked, and I knew it was him.

I had someone to rely on.



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