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A|N HEY THERE FELLAS!! So I kinda really need a cover. I will be happy to slap on almost anything at this point. PM me if you have and idea or know someone who can make one. I will leave all the creativity up to you guys!! 

The Stranger's POV

"Hey Conner, get a load of this!" Payton shouted from across the D-class holding cells. I let a small, smug smirk appear on my face.

Conner ran to the hole in the wall, where Payton was. Neatly tucked away, was my plan.

Conner peeked over Payton's shoulder. "Wait is that-?" Payton squealed like a fangirl after discovering Percabeth was finally a thing. A|N PJO reference "YES IT IS! I WANT TO SHAKE HANDS WITH WHOEVER MADE THIS!!" I let out a small laugh. So easily fooled.

The camera footage was cut off and a rough, but nervous, voice behind me barked, "HANDS BEHIND YOUR HEAD OR I WILL SHOOT!" I rolled my eyes, not doing what he asked, and slowly turned around to see a security guard. A cadet, by the looks of it.

I kept my big black hood over my head, casting a shadow over my face. I turned on my voice changer in the bottom of the hood. "I see the Pestilence inside of you. You will be cured." I had set my voice changer, or mobile autotune, to sound like SCP-049, the Plague Doctor. A|N If you don't know what an SCP is ask in comments or look it up. He turned and screamed, dropping his gun in the process. 

I picked up the M16 rifle and slung it against my back. I opened my secret passage way into my home. I grinned from ear-to-ear as I closed the entrance and listened to the commotion outside. "But sir, I swear. He was in there!" I heard the cadet start to raise his voice to a distressed wail. "WE JUST WALKED BY HIS CONTAINMENT! HE WAS IN THERE!" An even gruffer voice responded. 

I turned around and walked slowly into my headquarters, which was pretty much my home. I opened my laptop and got to work. I typed in my 16-digit pin and the laptop's disk started to turn, making a strange wirring sound. I tapped my laptop on it's side, and the wirring quickly stopped. My laptop was old, yes. But it's the genius that does the hacking.

 I opened the database for the foundation, and quickly checked to make sure everything was where it was supposed to be. I stopped and stared at the screen, showing Jackson. My eyes teared up for a second, before it was replaced by loathing. He was laughing at something. I curled my fists in anger. He didn't deserve happiness. No one did. Not after what they did to me.

I slammed my fists on the table, making the laptop jump an inch or so. I musn't let myself get ahead of myself! I needed to stay focused, or nothing would work. I quickly flipped through the rest of the feed, reviewing everything, thinking of every precaution. Every success. And every target. Some of the people didn't really matter to me. They will probably die on the 3rd or 4th stage.

I don't mind though. I have one target who I want to suffer greatly. More than the rest. He was supposed to be my friend. He called me insane. I bet he laughed with the others when I said something that didn't make perfect sense to them. See, I am not insane.

They are. They can't understand a brilliant genius at work. But now, they don't have a choice. The tables have turned. I smiled a bright brilliant smile, or rather what used to be a bright smile. After eating bugs for the past eh maybe... 7 months? 8 months? I don't really care. 

They say the foundation has eyes on all individuals, but that is far from true. They don't have eyes on me. Or my intentions. They only had eyes on Mr. McPerfect and his new girlfriend. I was viewing them, but suddenly the computer shut off. I jumped up, startled. I quickly checked under my desk to see if the charger was still plugged in. It was. Of course it was. I was brilliant. I wouldn't be able to make such a rookie mistake. I turned the laptop back on, and a message appeared, in big golden letters. The background was still black, looking as if it was still turned off. The message still slightly confused me. Why would they want to do that? I checked the message to see if it was still there, or it was my imagination.



I continued to restart the laptop. I turned it back on and the message was gone. I gave a small laugh. I continued to view Mr. McPerfect and his girlfriend chatting. He looked flustered at something she said.

I laughed. Enjoy it while it lasts, Jackson.

A|N I still really need a cover. I am open to anyone doing anything. Thanks to everyone who read this. I think I will release maybe once or twice a week, at the least. LOVE YOU ALL! MUAH!

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