you're so pretty

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(hi readers that don't exist yet!! the first part of the first collection i've ever written how exciting. this oneshot will be fluffy but smutty,, set in the mechanical animals era so manson will look like he does above. i'll refer to him as marilyn/manson/brian throughout the book. enjoy!!!)
daddy kink/choking warningg

you unclasped your necklace and laid in on the counter, ruffling your tightly curled hair in the mirror. you and your boyfriend, brian, had just got back home from a red carpet, and you were both exhausted. you were used to that sort of thing though, given that you were dating marilyn manson you had to join him on whatever appearances he had to make.

for this red carpet you and your boyfriend wore matching looks; you wore a tight red leather dress with black, thigh high platform boots while manson wore red leather pants with a black fitted turtle neck. you were both obsessed with each other's outfits, not going more than thirty seconds without touching each other all night.

you walked out of the bathroom into your shared bedroom to see brian on the bed, shirtless, picking fuzz from his top off of his arms.

"that damn turtleneck was so itchy, and there's fuzzy shit all over me now." he said matter of factly. manson looked up at you and leaned back on his hands, taking in your figure now that he can really look at you away from all the cameras.

"you look so good tonight baby, i've been picturing taking that dress off you all night." brian said, eyes still on your body. ignoring his horny words, you lean against the doorframe to take in your boyfriend just as he is doing to you. he really was beautiful; his eyes, his hair, his tattoos, his tall girlish figure. you stood longer, and appreciated how lucky you were to have someone like him. pushing off the wall you walked over to where he was on the bed, and put your hands on the sides of his face.

"you're so pretty," you whispered to him, just inches from his face now. his hazel eyes stared into yours, softening into your touch and smiling ever so slightly. he put his hands on your waist and pulled you into him, kissing you passionately. when he pulled away your foreheads rested against each other, both of your smiles growing.

"you're more pretty," he said before he kissed you again.

"and beautiful," before another kiss.

"and gorgeous," *kiss* "and breathtaking," *kiss* "and sexy," he said as he grabbed your thighs and pulled you on top of him, straddling his lap. you deepened the kiss and tangled your fingers in his hair as his hands roamed your body, lustful but loving at the same time. manson laid back on the bed, arms wrapped around you, bringing you with him so you were now laying on top of him. you began to kiss down his neck and chest, leaving a trail of lovebites along the way that you knew drove him crazy.

"you're still wearing too many clothes darling," he muttered against your lips, sitting up again and finding the zipper of your dress and pulling it down. you stood up off his lap, shimmying out of the dress and discarding it on the floor, leaving you in just your boots and underwear. your boyfriend smirked at you, eyes raking up and down your exposed body. you reached for the zipper of your boots to take them off when he grabbed your wrist

"leave those on." he demanded, pulling you back onto the bed. you rolled your eyes and pressed your lips against his as he flipped on top of you. his hands reached around the back of you to unclip your bra, which ended up being thrown on the ground. manson grinded his hips into yours, so you could feel him against your already wet center as he attacked your chest. you let out a whimper before you could stop it.

"stop teasing baby, i can't take it" you whined against him.

"complaining will only make it worse babydoll, you can cum when i say you can cum" he said sternly in reply. brian's kisses became sloppier as he moved down your body, hovering over you and massaging your breasts. he got to your core and placed a wet kiss on your clit, which made you squirm under him even more. your boyfriend pinned your hips down with one arm and teased you with his other hand, his fingers running down your folds.

"p-please fuck me daddy, i need you" you whimpered in his ear, pulling his hair slightly to get him going. without warning, he shoved two fingers inside of you and curled them, earning a loud moan from you as your eyes screwed shut. you felt him smirk against you as he latched his mouth onto your warmth, flicking his tongue against your bundle of nerves.

"tell me how much you want it baby, tell me." manson demanded, still knuckle deep inside you.

"i want your cock, i wanna feel you inside me so bad baby please" you moaned, pulling him up to your face by his hair to kiss him hard. you wrapped your leg around his waist to pull him down to you, wanting any type of friction against him. one of brian's hands went to your throat and squeezed, making you moan against his lips.

"as you wish" your boyfriend muttered as he undid his pants, pulling out his dick and pumping himself a few times. you whimpered and squirmed, balling your black bedsheets in your fists as he moved his tip back and forth between your folds. he decided he couldn't tease you any longer as he thrust into you suddenly, not being able to hold back anymore.  your name fell past his lips and he buried his face in your neck, sucking deep purple marks into you.

"you're so fucking tight, babydoll i'm not gonna last long" his thrusts were slow, and deep, seeming to take in every sound that you made and every muscle that twitched. you rocked your hips up into his, moaning into his ear:

"faster daddy go faster" you knew the nickname would rile him up, especially with your nails digging into him. proving you right, he moved both his hands to your neck, taking a firm hold as he thrusted into you with more force. you watched him intently as he fucked you, taking in every detail. every moment looking at him made you crazier and more lustful than the moment before, from the sweat forming on his forehead down to the marks you left on his bottom lip. his eyes dark, he stared right back at you as you wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling him closer to you with every thrust he took.  you felt your climax approaching as your boyfriends motions grew more sloppy.

"i'm sofuckingclose baby fuck-" he said between moans, moving down to rub circles on your clit to bring you closer. your head fell back onto the pillows with a moan as your orgasm washed over you, and you felt yourself tightening around him. brian gripped your hips so hard bruises had to have been forming, as his climax drew closer as well.

"keep coming baby, keep coming around my cock" brian growled as he bit your lip, swallowing your moans as you rode out your high. you felt him twitch inside of you as he finished, and with a few more sloppy thrusts you both rode out your highs and your boyfriend collapsed next to you. both of you laid there out of breath, and you turned on your side to admire your boyfriend's post sex face.

"fuck y/n, you wore me out," he said with a short laugh, looking over at you, "c'mere."

you smiled and scooted closer to brian as he pushed your hair out of your face, pulling you in for a kiss. you pulled away and kept your hand on his face, stroking his cheek in admiration. you had been this close to him how many times now? and you still couldn't get enough of simply staring at him. manson pecked your lips again,

"why are you looking at me like that?" he asked with a little smirk. gorgeous. you smiled back at him and laid your head on his chest with a sigh.

"you're just so damn pretty"

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