Chapter 2

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Y/n's POV

I woke up on a couch. My wrists were in bandages and they were tied up in front of me. I looked around and I saw that I was in a bar? (Yes I know in the show they found out it was there hiding spot.)

"Looks who's awake!" That same guy in the body suit said.

I sat up and the guy with scares walked towards me. He grabbed my hands and sat me down in a chair in front of the bar. He sat next to me and on the other side was the guy with a hand on his face. The guy with scars handed me a drink.

"Drink this, it'll make that headache that you have go away." He said.

How'd he know I had a headache? It was probably an effect of the drug that he gave me. I shook my head no. There was no way I was accepting anything from these guys.

"Just fucking drink it." He said

I still shook my head no. He got mad and tilted my head back. He was about to pour the drink in my mouth before the guy with the hand on his face stopped him.

"Now Dabi, we wouldn't wanna scare our guest now would we?" He asked.

Stopped forcing my head back and put the drink down.

"Back to business, we need to know what you know about UA high." The guy with the hand said to me.

"Um you guys are kinda dumb for kidnaping the new girl for that." As soon as those words left my mouth I regretted it.

I really fucked it up now.

"Hey, she's kinda got a point." The guy in the body suit said.

"Looks like we have to go back." Said the guy with the scares.

"It'll be a lot easier since there sleeping in the dorms." Said a guy.

He was behind the table. I didn't notice him before but his head was that purple portal we went through. I guess that was his quirk.

"Can we go now? I can't wait to see Deku sleeping." The girl with the two buns shrieked

"Yes, we should go now. I can't think of a more perfect time." The hand guy said.

He had a watch on. It was 1am? Dang I must have been out for a long time.

"I'll open a portal." The purple guy opened one.

"Bring her too, we might need her." Said hand guy.

The scars guy smirked at me. He got some duck tape and put it over my mouth. He then grabbed my hands that were tied up and we walked into the portals. We were in front of the 1-A dorms. The lights were still on. They were still awake? We could see then through the window. Some were walking around like they were thinking and some were sitting down.

They all seemed to be thinking really hard about something. Everyone was there, even bakugou.

"Now what do we do? This wasn't the plan." Said the guy in a body suit.

"We attack. Toga take the girl." Said the hand guy.

The guy holding me handed me to the girl and they all charged into the building.

"I guess it's just you and me. What's your blood type?" A smile never seemed to leave her face.

We walked up to the doors that were already broken down.

"Oh wait I forgot, you have tape on your mouth." She ripped the tape off.

It took me by shock.

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