Everyone stares at me asking for my side so I told them from detail to detail.
"Well, to start off let's start with the cheating motherfucker Bokugo," I see Bokugo and Kirishima in the corner of my loving room arms in arms.
"You guys really just brought all of my worst enemies here, huh," I scoff.
"Well it's not like I care. Well let's get started now shall we. Basically on the day of Bakugo's birthday I was going to suprise him, but you can guess what I Saw at the office. Yep if you guessed that Bakugo and Kirishima were having sex then you guessed it," I laugh.
They all look at Bakugo and Kirishima for answers.
"It's true and I'm sorry De..," he gets to say before he can say it.
"Don't say it, it's Midoriya to you," I snicker.
"Your pained faces delight me. Now to the next problem. Oh yes, after that you know I started to cut my self not a big deal. Then I went to far and went to the hospital. Of course when I woke up Todoroki asked me out and I said yes. They say they love you but that's bullshit. The day we met Uraraka and Momo, Momo had told me she liked Todoroki but I didn't know how to respond. So she caught us kissing and she tried to choke me in the alley way. I punched her and she acted like a crying bitch and told them that I attacked when she attacked me. Now after 45 attempts at suicide and prostitution here I am today end of story," I say casually.
They all look at me with sorry faces.
"Is it true Momo," Uraraka asks her.
"No of course not, you see he's just an attention whore," she says trying to save herself.
We all hear knocking at the door. Shinsou walks in from work.
" Shin- san your here," I say running up to him and giving him a hug.
They all look in confusion. I fill in Shinsou about the situation.
"Oh I actually have a video from that day. I happened to be there when it happened," he says pulling out his phone.
They all look at the event taking place. From when Momo choked me to the point where Todoroki broke up with me and to me kneeling down and crying.
"How could you lie to me," Todoroki says pushing Momo off of his arm.
" Midoriya I'm sorry, will you please ....come back to me,"he pleads.
"Hahaha you want me to come back to you that's funny. Where were you when I needed you. Oh my bad you were with your pregnant wife feeding off of her kids and treating me like scum," I shout pointing at his chest.
" And you, you broke my heart. When I loved you for 3 straight years but to find out you were cheating on me. Not to mention you said I was average and not good in bed." I point to Bakugo.
" And all of you fake ass bitches left me to rot in this world by myself. When you came here into my home you wanted me to apologize. Now as you have seen I am innocent now everyone can leave," I start to shout at all of them.
Tears start to run down my face and I collapse to the floor. Everyone rushes to try and comfort me, but I wipe my tears.
"GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE AND NEVER COME BACK," I scream. They don't listen but then I give them a death flaring warning.
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