I'm Sorry

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No one's POV

Everyone father's around dressed in black around Modoriya's tomb stone. Everyone is in tears feeling sorry.

*I'm sorry Deku I wished I was a bette friend* said Uraraka.

*I wish I was a better boyfriend* Bokugo adds.

* I wish I believed in you* Todoroki says crying.

*I wish I never cheated on you and love you more* Shinsou says adding.

* I wish we were there for you when you needed us the most* everyone adds.

Everyone is crying their hearts out.

Modoriya's POV

Why are they crying. I stare down at the grace stone with my name. Oh I'm dead. They should stop crying.

"Hey guys don't cry I'm right here," I say but they don't listen. My heart ached the fact that I have left them. I grabbed flowers and smiles reasurring them I was fine, but no one looked.

I look over to see my mom crying

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I look over to see my mom crying. Mom why are you crying stop crying in right here. Why won't anyone look at me I'm right here. I can see them why can't they see me. I thought being dead was better.

Everyone stop crying I'm right here stop crying. Everything turns black and all of a sudden I wake up.

(Yes everything was all a dream)

Tears roll down my eyes and I see Bakugo hover over me.

" What's wrong babe," he says kissing my forehead.

"Nothing it was just a very long dream," I reply kissing his cheek happy that it was a dream.


All a dream.

A/N Okay so like I was calling my eyes out. I was actually going to have Midoriya die and he was going to have a sad ending. But I was slike I can't do this and started to make this all a very long plot twist at the end. Anywho I love you all and I hope you enjoyed Shattered.

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