"I'll see you later baby Love you," Bakugo says kissing Modoriya's forehead.
"Love you too," I say as he heads out.
Today was Bakugo's birthday. We have been together for 3 years since we graduated higschool. He owned his own hero business with Kirishima. I decided I was going to go suprise him at the office. I went to the store and bought a cake with flowers. I drove our car to his Hero firm called Mad Dogs.
"Hey Midoriya what are you doing here today," Mrs. Leslie the front desk lady asks me.
"I'm suprising Bakugo for his birthday," I say cheerfully.
"Your such a sweet boyfriend, I'll let him know your on your way up," she says heading for the phone.
"NO, it's a suprise so keep it a secret," she looks at me shocked at first, but she gives me a smile and let's me walk in. I walk down the never seemingly long hallways and finally get to his office. But all of a sudden I hear noise so I try to listen in closer.
"F..fuck Bakugo fuck me harder," I hear, I peek through the crack in the door to see Bakugo thrusting into Kirishima against his desk. Tears start to drop down my face.
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I sit there listening to all the moans and squelching.
"I..I'm cumming f..fuckkk," Bakugo moans.
"I love you Bakugo, why don't you just leave Midoriya," Kirishima says.
"I love you too, and don't worry I will break up with Midoriya he was just my side piece you are always my baby," he says kissing Kirishima's nose.
Those words sting my heart. I grasp my chest accidently letting the door creak.
"Who's there," Bakugo says sternly.
I hear his footsteps come to the door as he opens it his eyes widen.
No one's POV
When Bakugo opens the door he See's a crying deku. His eyes widen as a red mark appear across his face. Midoriya throws the flowers at Bakugo and the cake.
"It's ok you don't have to break up with me, You can have him Kirishima," I say already giving up on our relationship.
"It's okay sweetie he was already mine to begin with," Kirishima snickers.
Modoriya's POV
I start to runaway and I hear footsteps chasing after.
"MIDOIYA WAIT, I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT YOU. PLEASE!," I hear Bakugo shout as the distance between us becomes larger. I lose him after running for a while and I finally get you "our" home. I thought of all the times we have spent together. Then I though about those times Bakugo would stay late almost everyday at the office or say he has a business trip for a week. Or the times I was gone for hero work. Did they do it in our bed? How long have they been together? Did he love me?
The last question stung my heart as they rang through my head. I screamed at the top of my lungs sobbing and clenching my chest.
I start packing all my things and think about who I can stay with.
Midoriya: Hey Todoroki can I stay with you for a while, until I can get another place.
Todoroki: Why what happened?
Midoriya: I'll tell you later, but can I?
Todoroki: Sure let me know when you get here.
Midoriya: Okay thanks todo!
~ End of Call~
I may be the number one hero, but I'ma need money to get a new place I did just spend all of my pay check on this months rent and Bakugo's gifts. Tears start to well up, but I wipe them away. I soon pack all my things and all of a sudden I hear the door click.
I hide under the bed and bear footsteps enter our room.
" Midoriya are you here," I hear Bakugo say. I hear the closets open and close as he searches the room in panic trying to find me.
"FUCK why am I so fucking dumb," he says punching the wall.
"Hey babe, why are you so worried you have me," I hear another voice come on. I realize it's Kirishima and water start to drip on the carpet in dots.
"But I love him too, he's my ball of sunshine and so are you, but Midoriya is precious to me," Bakugo tries to explain.
Kirishima peeks under the bed and smirks at me. He realized I was there. He pushes Bakugo to the ground where I could see them. I cover my mouth as I try not to be seen. They start to kiss but I gag in disgust. I can hear their tounges swirl around. I cover my mouth as tears stroll down my cheeks. I see Kirishima lean down to whisper something in Bakugo's ear but loud enough so I could hear.
"Who do you love more, me or Midoriya?" He whispers into Bakugo's ear.
"You of course," Bakugo says with little hesitation. He puts Kirishima to the floor and his butt was facing up. Kirishima stared at me as Bakugo's member entered him.
"Fuck me babe, fuck me like I'm your only love," Kirishima says moaning while staring at me.
I hear Bakugo thrust into Kirishima.
"F..fuck your so right Kiri, your way better then Midoriya. How can he just leave my like that. He's such a bitch. This is why I love you and not that got damn need. He's so annoying geez," Bakugo says thrusting into Kirishima.
Those words burned into my chest. Kirishima looks over at me in satisfaction.
"I...I'm cumming," Kirishima and Bakugo both says as they climax onto the carpet.
"Babe I love you," Kirishima says kissing him pulling him to the floor. Bakugo and him start to make out but his eye flicker towards the bed and he stares at me wide eyes.
"Come on out Midoriya," Kirishima snickers. I crawl from under the bed and Bakugo rushes over and grabs my hand.
"Babe I didn't mean any of it," Bakugo pleads with me. I look over to glance at Kirishima rolling his eyes.
"Do you love me?" I ask Bakugo abruptly.
"Babe of course I do," he says with the lie gaping through his teeth.
"No, you don't. If you lived me you would have never cheated," I say snatching my hand away as I grab my bag.
"B....babe wait you need me. No one's going to want you. Your so average and your not even good in bed so come back to me," he says with each and every word piercing my heart.
I walk out the door leaving a warm smile as a farewell.
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A/N Hi this is my third fan fic on Wattpad. Go check out my stories Suicidal love and Spike my Heart. If you like this story keep reading if not then that's okay. Love you all.