Season 1/Chapter 1: Age of Hinobi

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(A/N: Hey everybody, I would just like to say that this chapter took me so long to publish because Hurricane Sally hit the area where I live so power has been a problem lately. It's hard to find opportunities to charge my phone so that I can continue writing and publishing updates/stories. Please be a little patient. My power should be back on by today, tomorrow, or the next day.

Anyway, thank you all for the views and comments. I know it doesn't seem like a lot but it is to me. You can all thank @megasprime for this chapter because he/she left a comment telling me to publish another chapter. That got me back on track with this story, and so, here is this chapter. I hope you enjoy, favorite, follow me, and recommend this story. Without further ado, please enjoy.)

~No one's P.O.V.~

It has been a year since Cipher joined Glitch Tech. He has made plenty of friends and allies inside while secretly advancing his systems and programming. Even Mitch warmed up to him due to Cipher's own custom program. "Best Friend" allows him to create a personality that makes him the perfect best friend for whoever he is currently hanging out with. Of course, no one knows he is an A.I.

Right now, Cipher & Mitch are driving down a road following a tracker the white-haired Glitch Tech had. They eventually stop in front of a house and turn on their visors. Cipher never needed it but didn't want to give away his identity.

Cipher: So MVP, which glitch are we capturing tonight?

Mitch: Some insignificant one, I suppose. Ah well, easy XP for me. After this, we'll get something to eat. Well, I'll get something to eat.

Cipher: Yeah, I feel awkward eating in front of other people. Thank goodness we get an easy assignment tonight. About time, right?

Mitch: Obviously, newbie.

Cipher leaned back in his seat and put his hands behind his head.

Cipher: So when are we going in?

Mitch: Whenever the glitch shows itself.

Cipher: Ah, okay. Well, how has your family "The Furious Four" been, MVP?

Mitch: Good, not that it's any of your business. They keep breaking all the brand new equipment I give them, though! It's sooooo bloody annoying!

Cipher: Not cool of them, dude.

Mitch: Agreed.

Suddenly, Cipher's glitch awareness system went off ten seconds before Mitch's gauntlet did. They looked at each other with a bored expression before walking until they were a few feet from the door.

Mitch: Where?

Cipher: Directly in front of you, twelve o'clock, two feet above your head. You should hit right below its core and damage it.

Mitch: Why not aim right for the core?

Cipher: Because I scanned the house with my gauntlet and they are playing "Zoid." One player builds the robot while the other tries to destroy it. Therefore, you have to damage it first before you are able to capture the glitch in it.

Mitch: Whatever.

Mitch charged up a quick shot before blasting right through the door and nailing the glitch in the exact spot Cipher predicted. The glitch stumbled a bit and the pair walked into the destroyed house. Mitch weaved a hand through his hair as Cipher recorded the accuracy of the human's shot. The glitch then stood tall and faced the human closest to it.

Zoo: Surrender to Zoid. You cannot hope to defeat us.

The A.I. went into the kitchen and leaned against the wall. He closed his eyes and began running diagnostics on his systems while simultaneously calculating every possible ending for this fight. All of which ended with Mitch winning and being smug about it. It never bothered Cipher though due to his inability to feel emotions. The pro Glitch Tech, however, narrowed his eyes and smirked.

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