9.And I'd give up forever to touch you

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Zayn's birthday obviously deserves an update.

As you can see, we're running out of hours so we're running out of chapters as well.

Any type of feedback is very welcomed:)



Zayn can't deny he's eager to see Liam.

Yeah, Robin's nice. It's also good to surround yourself with good people, and the girl surely is a good person.

But right now, Liam is what makes Zayn's stomach flip in a pleasant way.

He arrives to the shop and finds Tom with his coat on, seemingly ready to leave.

"I won't be here, son. But don't worry, you won't be alone," he says.

"Okay," Zayn smiles at the promise of seeing Liam today, "anything that need to be done?"

Tom gives it a little thought, "Not really," he replies, "Harry's already left,"

"Oh, alright," Zayn nods.

"See you tomorrow," Tom replies as a goodbye.

"Have a good day,"

Right after Zayn's settled behind the counter, he spots a familiar face.

"Hi, Niall," Zayn greets as the blond approaches him.

"Hi, Zayn," Niall half smiles.

"Can I help you with anything?"

"Uh... well, is Harry here?"

Zayn shakes his head, "Sorry,"

"Oh, I just thought, maybe..." Niall lingers and Zayn waits for him to speak, "hey, could you do me a favour?"

"Sure thing,"

"I actually came to give this to Harry," he says as he shows a black case that Zayn hadn't noticed he was carrying.

"Okay," Zayn nods as he eyes the case that probably has a camera inside.

"So maybe you could keep it here and Harry can pick it up here? I know it's a lot to ask, but I really..."

"It's alright," Zayn interrupts smiling, "I'll save it in a drawer and let Harry know where it is,"

Niall sighs with relief, "Thanks, mate. Just tell him that... I couldn't have it around anymore,"

"Alright, I'll tell him tomorrow,"

Niall smiles, but lingers a bit, "So you run this shift now?"

"Yeah... since last week,"

"Good," Niall nods. Then he's smiling softly, "Thanks again. And I'll see you around,"

"Yeah, see you, mate," Zayn returns.

When Niall's gone, he puts it in the drawer him and Liam share.

Zayn also takes out the books he's reading, but he doesn't even open it, because he sees Liam making his way over the counter.

"Hi, Zay"

"Hi," Zayn smiles.

Liam goes to sit on his chair and swivels like he usually does.

"Y'had a good day?" Zayn asks.

"Uh... yeah, good day," Liam nods a little too quickly, "You?"

"Hm, yeah, I guess,"

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