ii. School Labels In Tables

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Yet sometimes, Tsuyu doubts that whenever she sees you.

Running down the hallways while raising somebody's pants or skirt, all high and mighty. Doing random dancing in the cafeteria tables. Getting in an argument about what should be on top or bottom-- things like jelly should be on top of peanut butter or vice versa. Singing "Rain Rain Go Away" or nursery rhymes taught to kids-- and she swears, that you're still a child in the process of growing up.

Maybe it's your childish and outgoing personality that you can fit in in any group. May it be the Gaming group. Tech Group. Sports group. Fashion group, hell, even NERD group-- a whole lotta groups and you're still thinking about it. In the childish side, she thinks that you're completely hopeless. Yet when it comes to literal academics, she's concerned and surprised to see you ace everything without breaking a sweat. If only your childish side isn't showing, then you would stand out as someone that's extremely smart and not a player that sings nursery rhymes every chance she gets.

Back to groups-- everyone would notice that you would go at certain ones in a certain day. Such as the Nerd group every mondays. The fashion group in tuesdays. Tech and Gaming in wednesdays. And sports in thursdays. Wait... there's still friday! But that's the thing-- there's an unlabeled group which is hers, Tsuyu Asui's table with some of your classmates with her.

Nobody knows why you would hang out with the frog girl and nobody has the audacity to question it. Well, snobs and stuck-up bitches here and there, she doesn't care to even mention it. It's nothing but a waste of her time. Nobody was able to question it, since you made it loud and clear that you're courting her. Well, repeatedly courting-- ahem, flirting-- with her since she kept on shooting you down, rejecting... but you stand tall and gift her anything she could possibly like. Compliment her with whatever you found right at the moment. Or just plainly ask (beg) her to be your girlfriend or say cheesy (cringing) pick-up lines to convince her to answer you.

Though, because of the constant rejection, she was baffled that you skip practice or stop hanging out in any of the other groups just to get her attention. Why are you like this? Is this just any other prank you do? Play with her heart? And break it-- no, break her when you're not satisfied with the result? Can't you see that she's not even interested in you in the slightest-- yet you continue to ask her to be your girlfriend. That's a whole lot of confidence and guts to even say it out loud. Instead of questioning you, she kept it all to herself and just hope to see you falter for some moments and see the exact reason.

But for now, she's not going to get herself fooled by a school player.

"The nerds is looking for you again, (Name)." One of the girls in the unlabeled group informs you as you look up, finding the table and just wave dismissively at them. It's been a few weeks but you didn't care that much. And it irritated the greenette endlessly. How could you do that? First, you joined their group and leave without care when they needed you? Why even join?

"They're being annoying, I made it clear that I didn't want to join anymore but, they're just being persistent." You replied with a hint of annoyance in your tone but shook it off, focusing more on the assignment your History teacher gave you. But what you said perked Tsuyu's interest. You... didn't want to join? Then... why did you look so happy when joining them?

You saw the look on the greenette's face and just decided to be a bit subtle about it. You know that she's confused about all this. Wondering why you left and what you felt when you left. There was always a small flicker of emotion in her eyes and you were quick to notice it, luckily. Everyone viewed her as someone that doesn't show much emotion. She is, but she's showing it through her eyes, which not a lot of people think to confirm it. Once you can see the emotion in their eyes more clearly, then, you can actually see the small expressions she holds, together with her eyes. Everybody says that you're nothing but a child, and it's true.

But children can also see what others don't.

"Besides, I'm only there because of senpai." You huffed out and the other girls scoff at your additional comment. One of them saying that your replacing Tsuyu with foxy senpai but that made you laugh hysterically. "As if! Yu-chan is better than her in so many ways."

"Ooh"s and "woo"s are heard in their table as the greenette turned red at this and pinch your ear. This was one of the habits that she had grown accustomed to. Whatever troubling shit you've gone or pulled, she'd pinch your ears as a warning to clean up the troubles you got yourself into.

"Ittai! Okay okay! Stop it! Jeez, can't you take a compliment, love?" And there was a small flirt but you pouted when she gave you that look. The girls laughed at your failure but puff out your chest confidently.

"Someday, I will make you mine, Tsuyu Asui!"

And someday, I wish that you're in the other table instead than bother me here right now.

That's what her mind officially thinks but... why does her heart says otherwise?




// Damn, (Name) just straight-up told her friends that she prefers Tsuyu AND says that she's way better than "foxy-senpai". Will "senpai" be revealed in the future? Or will she be just mentioned in this chapter?

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