Guardian: I Told You So - part 2

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Thank you to all the comments I got on the first part of this story! They helped me write more to get this part out quickly! I'm so glad you like it!

I hope that cliffhanger made you mad! If not...oh well, I tried. Enjoy the next part!

Okay and y'all...I know I'm not good at matching the characters personalities, but I try, I'm sorry!


Zhou Yunlan was so shocked over Zhu Jiu's action of kissing him, he hesitated for a minute before he jolted his body in order to throw him off. "What are you doing?!" He screamed at him.

"Isn't it obvious?" Zhu Jiu said breathlessly as he was throwing off his coat and unbuttoning his shirt—not that Zhou Yunlan knew that.

"No! No it isn't!" Zhou Yunlan shouted in front of him, unaware Zhu Jiu had moved to the left of him. He moved to unbutton Zhou Yunlan's shirt next—leaving his jacket on.

"What?" Zhu Jiu asked in a faked innocent voice. "I want to have a little fun. Making Black Robe Envoy angry and traumatizing you is just a bonus!" Having finished unbuttoning Zhou Yunlan's shirt, he reached for Zhou Yunlan's pants, undoing the zip and button, then trying to pull them down.

But Zhou Yunlan struggled against him. He'd never been in a situation like this one—he wasn't prepared for it and he was beginning to panic. So, he blurted out the first thought that occurred to him.

"Y-You're gay?!" He stammered. Zhu Jiu paused at that.

"Bi, actually." He responded after a moment of thought, and returned to pulling down Zhou Yunlan's pants.

Zhou Yunlan tried to kick him off, using all his might to transfer energy into his legs, but he didn't know where he was kicking and it was hard with his hands tied behind his back.

He was getting so frantic he started yelling randomly. "Enough! Enough, ok?! I thought you were here to torture me! Zhu Jiu! Enough!" But his cries fell on deaf ears. It seemed as if Zhu Jiu was way too excited.

After more struggling and tiring himself out a bit, Zhu Jiu was able to pull his pants down, just enough to reveal the full length of his boxers. Zhou Yunlan struggled even more at this, thinking that's what was coming off next, but he was taken aback when Zhu Jiu leaned forward over his legs and began to kiss him again, pressing his back harder into the cold concrete wall behind him.

Zhu Jiu was caressing his cheeks so tightly he wasn't able to pull out of the rough kiss. Zhou Yunlan's eyes unconsciously closed when Zhu Jiu attacked him, and the forcefulness if the kiss kept him from reopening his eyes—not that it would have made much of a difference.

Zhu Jiu bit down on Zhou Yunlan's lips, making him flinch. He tried to retract his head, but he only bumped it into the wall behind him. He could taste the blood rising to the surface and feel it start to trail down his chin. Zhu Jiu chuckled.

Zhu Jiu hopped up, brining Zhou Yunlan with him. He had to carry Zhou Yunlan's full weight because of his injured leg.

Zhu Jiu cut the ropes that held Zhou Yunlan's hand behind his back and replaced them with his cuffs. Zhou Yunlan was confused at first. Why did it matter? He realized a moment later when his hands were now chained in front of him. Zhu Jiu dragged home back to the wall and lifted him off his feet ever so slightly.

Zhou Yunlan could feel the chains slip between a large hook that must having on the wall. "Much better," Zhu Jiu muttered to the right of him.

"Zhu J-" Zhou Yunlan began, only to be cut off when a tuff of his hair was roughly grabbed and head slammed into the wall.

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