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Hardin McCall

I quickly remove my hands from Tessa's waist and both of us pad towards Trevor's trailer, which is right next to Tessa's.

"Daniel! What are you doing here? How are you? How's your leg?" Tessa quickly goes and hugs Daniel.

It's so good to see my bestfriend again. I've really missed him in the past three weeks. He's an amazing director, not that Lydia is bad, she's amazing too, but I missed my best buddy. Now that he's back, everything is going to be great.

"Hello my lifesaver! I'm very good. I got my discharge a few hours ago and I couldn't wait to see everyone, so I decided to directly come here," he hugs her back.

"Hello? I'm supposed to be the best friend. When did you two become bestfriends?" I tease them but then go and hug him.

"Yeah, I got bored of you so decided to replace you with her. She's pretty cool," Daniel teases.

"Yes, she is pretty cool," I agree and look at Tessa, who has a big smile plastered on her face.

"Okay, enough flirting. When did this happen? Why didn't y'all tell me anything?" He points at us.

"It happened on her birthday. And yesterday I asked her to be my girlfriend and she said yes," I pull Tessa to my chest and give a peck on her cheek and she blushes.

"Oh my god, I'm so happy for you guys. Finally y'all accepted that y'all like each other. I had to do so much for you guys to be together. Hardin you owe me for the connecting room."

"Wait a minute, you both knew about the connecting rooms?" Tessa looks up at me, trying to look angry but I know she's happy we did that.

"Yes, it was Hardin's idea. He wanted to get to know you and spend time with you. Looks like his idea was successful," Daniel gives me a wink.

"You both are unbelievable," Tessa shakes her head in amusement and ends up laughing.

"Listen, I need to go. I have one last scene to shoot. Then we'll catch up," Tessa informs and leaves for her shoot.

"So, what's up man? How have you been?" Daniel asks me as we walk towards the set.

"Nothing special. I'm just happy that she agreed to be my girlfriend. I really like her, like a lot."

"See Hardin. I know you like her a lot and stuff. And me being your bestfriend, I need to know if you are doing the right thing. Are you sure she's not just another random girl or one your conquests?" Daniel asks in a concerned tone.

I know what he's talking about. I've never actually had such a relationship with any girl in my life before. I just used to hook up and forget the girl's name the next day. It was never anything serious. But Tessa is different.

"I know Daniel. But she is not a conquest for me. She is no random girl. Tessa is completely different. She brings out the best in me. And I don't want to harm her in any way possible. I've made this promise to myself. She means a lot to me. I'm going to give my two hundred percent for this relationship to work. She's the first girl that's made me feel like this. After all that's happened in my past, she makes me believe that I can have a happy future, with her. I know I haven't told her about my past and all, but I will, one day. I can't afford to lose her. She's too special," I say meaning every word.

"That's good to know Hardin. I'm glad you finally found someone. And you know that I'm always here, right? I'm always going to support the two of you," he gives me a reassuring smile.

We sit on the chairs next to Lydia and watch the shoot. Daniel says he's very happy that Lydia could take over in his absence. Now that we have just one week left for the shoot, both of them are going to direct together.

When Lydia shouts cut, all of us gather together and discuss about the last week of shoot. Everyone is pretty sad that the shoot is coming to an end. It felt like home. Everyone was so comfortable around each other. This was our small world. We did have a few issues during the shoot, but at the end we could solve those.

"I think we should have an amazing wrap up party. What do you guys think?" Trevor suggests and I think that's a really good idea.

"Yeah, I agree. Next Sunday? After the shoot?" I ask.

"Sure! One last time," Tessa agrees.

All of us go back to our respective trailers and get changed and leave for the hotel for dinner.

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