The Breath of Fate

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Ash and friends didn't know what to do next, but they couldn't go far because soon at Laverre City, Serena was going to get picked up by the tour bus and continue on for another long time. So they decided, let's go to Parfum Palace for awhile. So they left and went. They had a great time. The day they went to the Palace was when they were giving away free gold necklaces, jewels and crowns.

Ash: Here my Kalos Queen! * gives her the last crown they had. *

Serena: *amazed and blushing* It's beautiful! Thanks Ash!

To Serena, that was the best moment ever! Only if it was true and he means it and not playing around... The group stayed at a Pokemon Center and began eating. They slowly headed for Laverre City to let Serena go back. While they were eating, Ash was eating like there was never going to be a tomorrow. He literally stuffed everything in his mouth Pikachu thought he was going to eat the plate.

Ash: *eating*

Clemont: Ash! Your going to choke!

Ash: I'll be just fine! *starts choking*

Clemont: See I told you!

Ash: *coughing really hard*

Bonnie: Clemont?! He's turning blue and isn't breathing!!

Clemont: What?! What do you mean?!

Ash: *turning blue and isn't breathing*

Serena: *screaming* Ash! Speak to me!

Ash: *unconscious*

Clemont: Bonnie let's go! We're gonna get nurse Joy!
*Running and yelling for Nurse Joy*

Serena: *begins to cry but remembers Ash says crying get you nowhere and that to never give up till the end.*

Clemont and Bonnie frantically get there and explains to Nurse Joy.

Nurse Joy: What?! Where is he?!

They all start running to him but stopped when Serena didmouth to mouth CPR. She was blushing throughout the whole time. Then she got away from him when he started to gain his consciousness back. Serena looked at everyone else and put one finger over her mouth signaling she doesn't want anyone to tell him what she did. Everyone nodded in understanding.

Ash: *cough cough* what happened?

Clemont: You ate too fast and choked yourself badly but nurse Joy revived you! *winking at her*

Nurse Joy: Yeah! I did...

Ash: Wow thanks a lot!

Bonnie: Maybe you'll learn your lesson to eat slower next time!

Ash: *chuckling* Yeah... Sorry about that.

All are laughing except Serena. She went to her room. Clemont and Bonnie noticed. They both told Ash they were really going to the bathroom but they went to Serena's room to see what was the matter.

Serena: * sad and moping *

Clemont: Serena... What's the matter?

Bonnie: Tell us where here for you...

Serena:... .... We don't have much time left.... I'm going to leave soon. But I still like Ash... I don't know why... I will never forget him... I don't want to lose him again.

Clemont and Bonnie are out of words.

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