Users of Accounting

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Internal Users

- known as primary users.

- it refers to the management.


1. Owners 

- naturally interested in what's happening to the business.

2. Employees

- interested to know the stability and profitability of the business so they can look for another company when necessary.

- interested also if the business can afford an increase in their salaries and other fringe benefits.

External Users

- known as secondary users.

- who have financial claim of interest in the business.


1. Prospective investors

- want to know whether it is worthwhile investing in the business.\

2. Suppliers and Creditors

- want to know the risk they are taking when they give credit terms to the business.

3. Lending institutions

- want to know whether or not to grant loan to the business or whether the business can pay its outstanding loan.

4. Customers

- interested in the stability of the business, which is the supplier of their needs.

5. Government

- interested to know whether the business is paying the correct taxes or is complying with all the government requirements.

6. General public

- public may be interested in the affairs of the business for their own personal and varied reasons.

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