Chapter 31

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Nikole's pov::
I had a vision when everyone saw what's going on

KM- sister what's going on

I quickly drew the vision and when the vision was finished I looked at the drawing and was shocked and looked at everyone.

NM- get out!

KM- Nikole what's wrong

I was banging on the barrier spell yelling get out

NM- get out!!! Get out!! Get out!!

They left leaving me looking at the drawing making tears run down my face.

NM- it can't be true!!

I called Hayley and Klaus down here and when they came they saw the look on my face.

NM- where's that bracelet that you used to put on hope?

HM- somewhere safe

NM- you need to put it back on her Now and take her out of town

KM- what's going on Nikole

NM- there's something out there to dangerous to defeat looking for a lot of power and hope is the most powerful being existence she's the only one of her kind and it's your bloodline Hayley that weakens it and if it doesn't work it will kill you for the power. Hope is part of that generation now and we can't take risks so you need to let me out now.

I had another vision Then went back to normal

NM- let me out now

KM- freya!

Freya soon came down here

HM- let her out

Freya letter me out making me escape the cuffs and sped upstairs and searched for the bracelet using my magic. Once I found it I looked for hope

NM- hope sweetie come down here

I put a spell on it to make sure it won't track her magic. Once hope came downstairs

HM2- auntie Nikki!

NM- hi sweetie but listen here I need you to keep your bracelet on til auntie calls your mommy and daddy to take it off and it's going to be awhile so I need you to behave for them ok

She nodded

HM2- auntie you're scaring me

NM- it's ok but you're gonna go on a trip to Los Angeles with mommy and daddy and you're going to stay with a friend of auntie's his name is Lucifer and he'll keep you guys safe.

Then Hayley and Klaus and freya and Elijah came walking in.

NM- go pack your things it'll be awhile til you'll hear from me and don't stop driving til you get to the club you'll stay with Lucifer.

I grabbed 2 bracelets that I made awhile back and put them on Klaus and Hayley.

NM- keep these on all times it won't track you guys down but before you get going I need a copy of your birthmark Hayley.

She looked at me confused

HM- I don't know if I can it is attached to my skin

NM- don't worry

I waved my hand over the mark and did a copy spell and put it on the back of my shoulder.

NM- keep it covered up both of you *talking to Hayley and hope* Now go pack up

I called Lucifer

LM- hello Nikole

NM- no time for chit chat I need you have my brother and Hayley and my niece stay with you for a while you do not leave that club.

LM- what's going on?

NM- no time to explain

I hung up and did a spell putting my focus on Lucifer penthouse to make sure nobody gets in except for Lucifer,Amenadiel, maze and my family.

Once they were packed up

NM- ok be safe and don't stop til you get there

I put it in Klaus GPS and said goodbye and they left

NM- freya call Vincent and have him get over here cause it's almost here.

EM- what are planning to do?

NM- the thing I hate the most...death

Kol- are you completely insane you said it's so powerful and if you plan it to have in you it'll kill you.

I nodded

Kol- unless...

EM- she's planning on taking them both down using the white oak stake

Vincent came walking in with a book

VG- what is it cause I have no time for mikaelson drama

NM- yes you do cause we're dealing with what you created The hollow

By the look on his face he knew what I was talking about.

NM- you're going to help me destroy it once and for all cause it's starting to look for 6 kids including my niece and I'm not having that happen.

I can sense the magic is close

NM- ok it's close Vincent once you see the blue light you put it in me then Elijah you grab the white oak stake and stab me with it.

FM- no we're not going with that plan

NM- do you have another plan cause this is the only option we got right now and it's close and once this is over you call Niklaus.

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