Chapter 32

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Klaus's pov::
So we arrived at Lucifer penthouse

KM- Lucifer?

He came walking out from his room in a suit

LM- ah Klaus, Hayley and you young one pleasure to have here

KM- like wise

I didn't really much like him cause of Nikole

LM- maze is getting food right now she'll be right back please come in

We set the bags on the couch

KM- man I hate sitting around like this doing nothing

HM- you're staying away from this to protect our daughter Klaus you're doing plenty

KM- yes while my sister is fighting against something to dangerous to kill her

It's been hours since I've spoken to Nikole when I received a call from Elijah.
KM- Elijah?

EM- you can come home now

I could tell that Nikole took of it

We grabbed the bags and walked to the elevator

KM- Lucifer it's better if you came along

Suddenly his brother came walking in

Amenadiel- Klaus what's going on?

KM- I think it's best if you guys come back with us

They were confused but came with but when we walked out we past maze and told her they'll be right back. Then we headed back to New Orleans.
Once we got to New Orleans we headed to the compound and when we walked in that's when we saw Elijah with a body covered. Hayley covered hope eyes

KM- Elijah what's going on?

He gave me that look like she's gone and I looked at kol and he looked at me and let's just say that she's gone.

HM2- what's wrong

We all looked at hope cause we didn't know how to tell her that Nikole is dead for sure.

Kol- she left these for you *gave us each a letter*

We grabbed them and read them when I noticed that Lucifer's eyes were red.

Amenadiel- Lucifer don't! The kid is here

His eyes went back to normal while Hayley brought hope to her room when everyone else was starring at Nikole body when suddenly she gasped awake.

NM- how the hell am I alive? I'm supposed to be dead

Freya searched her to see if the hollow is gone

FM- clear

NM- hope? Hayley?

She sped upstairs to hope room

Nikole's pov::
I went upstairs to see if the hollow went inside of them making me search their bodies using my magic.

NM- thank goodness you guys are ok

HM- I thought you were just you know

NM- I thought I did too but unfortunately it's gone and I was supposed to be too but it's gone and I'm not.

I went downstairs and look on the map and searched for dark magic like hollow and it was gone!! Making me realize that I was created

NM- Lucifer? Amenadiel? call your dad here now

Amenadiel started praying making everyone watch him when soon bright light came on and their dad appeared.
God- what is it children?

Amenadiel- Nikole needs to talk to you

God- yes Nikole?

NM- did you bring me back alive Even though I used the one thing that can kill me indefinitely?

God- yes

NM- why? I'm supposed to be dead

God- like I said you were created to do one thing and you didn't do it

NM- but you also did the same thing to Chloe so why bother bringing me back when you have one person who can actually do it.

God- like we talked before I chose you first you got remember that Nikole. You have a purpose here on earth and that means that you can not die til you fulfill that purpose.

NM- well I basically did tell him in his letter so i did do my purpose

God- you know what I mean Nikole

I sighed

NM- can you at least try to understand my reason why I didn't want to tell him

God- go ahead then

NM- the reason why I didn't want to tell him the truth was because I was scared because I witnesssd it happen with my brother Niklaus along with Hayley and I didn't want that happen to me all because of what my mother created when she turned us her children into monsters 1,000 years ago. Throughout the 1,000 years of my life I always felt like I had to be the protector and that included the humans and if I didn't do that I would feel like I broke my promise to myself so yeah I didn't want to tell him the truth because I learned that lesson through my brother's experience is that anyone who instantly falls for a Mikaelson ends up paying the consequences and I didn't want that to happen to him so I did the things I'm not so proud of so I can push people away to protect them including him so yeah I broke a promise that I've promised myself a thousand years ago that I won't ever do and that's to hurt my brother Niklaus just to push the one person who can actually make me feel happiness. So yeah I broke your order just so I can protect him and from my heart from going through that pain that my brother felt when his loved one died.

God- is this true Klaus? Was she always like the protector?

Klaus,Elijah and Kol and Freya all nodded

God- do you Nikole wish to go back the dead

NM- alright I didn't say kill me again I was just curious why you brought me back while I thought the hollow was still here as well.

Everyone chuckled

God- it left with that stake

I nodded when hope and Hayley came walking downstairs only to see well god himself.

HM- is that who I think it is?

All- yup

She awkwardly waved making everyone laugh

God- pleasure to meet you too Hayley

He then disappeared making me sigh and flop on the couch while everyone was starring at me like what the hell just happened between me and god.

NM- not right now being dead for a bit is quite exhausting

Then Lucifer phone rung and he answered

LM- yes bring it

Then he hung up

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