An Old Work Shift

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'i just hope you see me, in a little better light. do you think it's easy, being of the jealous kind?'


I was excited to finally go back to work, being off for a couple of days as per the request of Harry. I had already gotten a couple of new songs to work on for anonymous artists, hopefully, I will be able to meet them when it came out with the final product.

It was a few weeks of here and there, me staying at Harry's, him staying at mine and a whole lot of work in between.  Tate, the artist I worked with earlier on had invited me to listen to her final Ep, it was a beautiful; record and I knew she was going to be a bit hit soon. 

It was soon a routine to go to Harry's writing and recording sessions when he was in the studio after I was done with my shift. It was cute when he was pretty much always looking at the door to see when I would come in, his lips instantly curling into a small smile when our eyes met. 

This was a regular occurrence, a routine almost and I was very happy where I was right now.

'Bird? You ready?' he calls from the living room as I slip on my sneakers.

'Yeah, ready' I walk out, both in shorts and our workout shirts.

I grab the backpack we were going to share for the hike, going downstairs to my car that was in the community car park. He took the driver's seat, knowing the way more than I did to the Hollywood sign. 

We drove for around 45 minutes, playing a share of both our music until he pulled into a small car park at the bottom of the big cliff. I started with the backpack, carrying it until we reached halfway, swapping.

I collapsed onto the grass as we reached the top, many other tourists taking pictures for each other and then swapping. Is that was Savannah and I looked like when we went out on mini photoshoots. 'Hold on' Harry drops the bag next to me before walking away from the noise with his phone to his ear.

I grabbed out the water bottle, chugging the water bottle until an unfamiliar voice startles me. 'Don't internally drown yourself there' he chuckles and I look up, squinting from the sun. 'Oh, sorry. Is this better?' he moves back in front of the sun so that my eyes relax more.

'Yeah, thank you' I chuckle, standing up to meet his height. 

'I'm Luke' he smiles and I smile back nervously, hoping Harry would come back soon. 'You from around here? I don't recognise the accent'

'I'm Ciara, from Australia actually, I moved here for my job'

'Oh really, what job?' he asks, genuinely curious.

'Um, I work as a music producer at Columbia Records' his eyes widen and nod.

'Oh wow. That's so cool' he seemed nice enough so I continue the conversation.

'How about you? You from here?' I ask and I hear Harry hang up.

'Uh, yeah, couple miles away but I like to come and hike here' I nod as an arm strongly grips around my waist. 

'And who's this?' he asks, his British voice now lower.

'Uh, this is Luke' I look up to him as Luke smiles and gives a small wave.

'Oh shit, you're Harry Styles' he releases and I slightly chuckle but harry is still deadpanned.

'Yep. Ready to go?' he turns to me, grabbing the backpack to start walking ahead of me.

'Um, yeah? Thanks for the chat. Nice to meet you' I exchanged the last smile with Luke before jogging down the hill to catch up to Harry.

He was silent the whole way down the hill, even when I tried to make conversation he either 'hmm' in response or didn't at all so when I got into the car, I snapped. 

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