°• he almost choked her •°

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"Hang on. I got this..."

Everyone's gaze fell on the leader. Of course y/n should not be surprised, after all he did not want her here. The girl's blood boiled as the scene from the past few days flashed in her head.

'I will take him down today!'

"But Jungkook, she is a trainee and—"

"No Tae, I will fight him! I want to." Y/n eyed her opponent. She was happy to see her brother finally standing up for her after four years of failure but now, she wanted it too. She needed to take him down.

Jungkook tossed his over coat, rolling up his sleeves. His veins jutting out, projecting the tattoos that decorated along his arm. Their eyes already fencing together without any warnings.

Y/n grunted before throwing her fist at his face. As expected, he caught it. Wrapping his arm around her while she clung onto it to get out of his grasp. "Bold of you to challenge this on-going fight, and since when?" He scoffed.

"Right. Four years...and now five! Why don't you just quit, kitten?" He whispered in her ear as it turned red because of the raging fury in every inch of her body. Y/n pushed her hips back slamming Jungkook to the ground. All the spectators in the room gasped.

"Feisty much? Not bad." He smirked and she smugged a smile too, proud of her move. Though, it was only for a matter of time. He swept his legs, tripping the other, knocking the girl down. Swiftly hovering above her damned body, he pinned her hands above her head. Her breath became shaky due to the dominating gaze that he casted.


The girl groaned in annoyance, lying flat on the ground. As she stood up on her feet, she pushed him out of her way. Glaring as she walked by.

She gutted down some water while Taehyung aided for any sort injury. "Y/n chill out, will you? You're doing great. Just cool your head, yeah?", his words entered her head and left in no time. Seeing Jungkook grinning on the adverse direction made the girl lose her sanity.

She swore she was minutes away from knocking him down there and then when, "Round Two!", the refree declared.

No sooner did y/n enter the arena, she clenched her fists and kicked her legs in the air, bruising Jungkook's face. He scoffed as he felt himself bleeding. Her heart accelerated at a tremendous pace.

Jungkook's men came running towards the ground. One simple action, raising of his hand, and all of them froze at the very spot. "This round is not over yet." Jungkook stood up without any external effort. "Is that it y/n? Is that all you got?" Her eyes widened at his confidence and she clenched her jaw.

Jungkook threw a fist at her. Dodging it, she kicked the nape of his knee, pushing him down. "Pinned!" She breathed heavily while still pressing him down to the ground.

'Hah! I did it. I did it', was all her mind could contemplate.

"Whoa y/n. You were on fire there", she smiled like an imbecile at the statement made by her brother, Taehyung. "Just manage to make it through this final round and you'll be a part of us", he almost squealed in excitement. "Remember. Don't fight or waste your energy. Let Jeongguk make the first move. Just defend, dawdle around till the time is up. Go now!"

"Round Three..."

Her heart thumped against her chest. Excitement and fear filled her insides. One move and she will be into the mafia or maybe thrown out, for good.

"Come on y/n, what are you waiting for?" Jungkook provoked her to make the first move, knowing full well what a hot head she was and would do anything to prove him wrong.

But she did the least anticipated. Standing in front of the guy, waiting for him to attack.

'If this is bound to happen thenWish granted!', Jungkook thought and made the first move, having her trapped in his arms. He did not want to fight her but she did not understand. Jungkook slammed her to the ground. Possibly trying to keep her still.

He was overwhelmed and when his anger mingled with it, he had no idea what was happening. He did not like it when things were not how he piled it to be.


Subconsciously, his grip tightened around her neck. Her petite physique struggled underneath him, kicking her legs in all directions. Anything to loosen his grip around her neck. "Jungkook leave. You are hurting her." Taehyung shouted from behind.

"Jeon Jung—kook!", Y/n slapped his arms, weakly with the little she could. The spectators were on the edge of their seats. As if they would not mind stepping into the ring to predict what was to come.

Realisation dawned on Jeongguk, seeing y/n coughing exuberantly. Quickly, getting off of her, he grabbed his coat while the other kept glaring at him. The redness evident around her neck.

"I don't think I have to tell you what happens next. You know it so, leave this compound right away", he said brutally though on the inside he was more than relieved that this match was over. He left the room heading towards his office.


Jungkook looked out through the window pane. There stood y/n stood beneath the tree shade. Kicking around rocks and pebbles, to be precise.

He did not tend to hurt her. Earlier, his gullible mind illuminated the whole scenario in his bed. Together. With, y/n doing all the prohibited activities for a person as himself, that he had been fantasizing since day one.

It is true, y/n was a little hot headed and difficult to lure into bed. But where was the fun for Jeongguk, if a woman does not beg him to wreck her. He did not enjoy what is feasible either.

| Sunday Morning

Y/n was feeling so useless. No aim. No job. Her dreams crushed to dust.

She always wanted to get into Mafia for just one good reason. Revenge. Vengeance for her parent's death. Hiring investigators per se, they took forever to find their body itself. And will suspend the murderer of his charges in some time, doing no justice to the victims. So, she wanted to find the killer and punish them herself. But now this task seemed almost impossible.

'I am such a bad daughter.' She thought. Taehyung could fulfill her dreams, bring justice to their late parents, were the immediate thoughts that teased her. But then again her brother is a nice guy. Too forgiving, if you see him through y/n's perspective. She did not expect him to do any wrong nor did she want him to. She wanted to catch hold of the culpable herself.

Ding dong!

The door bell rang interrupting the girl's thoughts. "Who is it?" She drawled in a bored tone. "Package for Kim Taehyung!" The mailman pronounced. He handed y/n the package which was ridiculously heavy.

Y/n furrowed her eye brows at the clinking sounds that invaded her ears. 'What could it be?', she thought.

Entering her brother's home office, she placed the parcel on the table. Only then did her eyes fall on some sprawled sheets on the table. Curiosity was her thing. She went through a file highlighted as CONFIDENTIAL.

'A mission!', was what rang first in her head.

Taehyung was secretly working on a mission. Too dangerous. She could not control her hands and read each and every line. Having a photographic memory she absorbed the information instantaneously.

'This could be my last key to get involved in mafia.'

"Let's get it..."

Let's see what y/n does in the next chapter. Please leave a vote if you liked this chapter. Thank you ♡

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