Chapter 1 - New world

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The foremost thought that popped up in my mind was....

I don't remember throwing up a party.

It was way too loud. All I remember was crashing into my bed after having a hearty meal with my family.

But then, something feels wrong. Something tells me that, there is a reason why everyone is in Cloud9. My parents with whom I just had dinner with were completely crying their eyes out of happiness. My cute little sister, 'Akira' was clinging to my leg. She too had the same look as my face, but it's more of an age problem there. (confused)

My highly annoying grandfather was laughing loudly while saying " I never doubted you, Youta",

Old man, I don't know what I did. But I bet every single strand of my hair on you not believing me.

Moving on, this situation felt exceedingly weird at the start but later on, I felt this emotion swelling up inside me. It conveyed,

Are you an idiot? ... you did an extraordinary job.

Yeah, right. But I remember doing nothing, I didn't save a lovely maiden on the road, I didn't rank first in my school...heck I am not even famous.

School? Yeah, I joined a new one, didn't I?

Hooooold uuuuppp. New school? What am I even talking about? My whole life has been spent only in one school, 'Tokyo Battle Academy'.


There is no strange conveniently named Battle Academy in Tokyo!!! Ughhh, I've finally lost it, haven't I !? Alright, calm down. Let's roll back time and revisit my history.

My name is Kudou Youta. My father is named Kudou Akio with the one married to him barring the name Sakura. My little sister's name is Kudou Akira. Yes, so far so good. Now then, I am a skill holder who can control..... Haaah...


What does skill mean? What do abilities mean? What are these weird terms?

My head ached as if it's one step away from cracking open. I with my hands holding up my head involuntarily fell to my knees. To which the people around got concerned.

"Hey Youta, are you alright?", says my father.

"SON is something wrong?!", shouts my mom.

"Onii-chan, are you sick? Does your head hurt?", screams my sister.

"Kid, get up.", nonchalantly says, my grandpa.

Hey old man, your grand-son is on his knees. At least, have some interest, will ya?

Inwardly scolding the old man, I told the rest of my family, "I'm all right, just got a sudden headache. You all please continue, I'll be back after taking a breath outside."

I moved as I said that, not caring for the response. I want to get outside of the place and sort out my weird head. But, I think at this point god was playing with my life happily. Cause the scene inside is way better than the outside one.

There are many things that I wanted to point out. But the main feature would be that it was way too bright. The sky is still dark, indicating that the sun has fallen. The streets though are not caring for the time and are full of people. Some objects were floating. I even noticed that there is a shop named, "Shin's Magical Tools".

Gazing upon this view, I felt both nostalgic and confusion. Right, why was I even confused? For a countless number of times, this picture had entered into my eyes. So, why was I feeling confused?

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