Chapter 2- My skills

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Both the worlds have the same name 'Earth'.

I don't have the slightest clue on whether to term it as a different reality or a different dimension.

Apart from the differences of 100 years, there is another phenomenon that made both the worlds different.

And that is [Monsters].

There can't be magic without Monsters, right?

Since my memories are still a mess, the history of both the worlds is intervening in my head. So with what I managed to salvage. I arrived at a vague conclusion.

[About 120 years ago, around the year 200X, the first dungeon break happened over the world. Countless monsters raged upon the lands. The humans who were cornered made a scientific breakthrough by finding new energy. They realized that this energy runs through everything from a mere ant to humans all the way to monsters.

Following this breakthrough, talented individuals found a way to use this energy. The first [Ability] called [Body Enchantment] was found. The method spread faster than a wildfire all around the world.

Over the years, another discovery was made, individuals with powers breaking the laws of physics and chemistry were born. Creating fire out of nothing, completely freezing an area, flying etc. became ordinary.

These powers were, unanimously named as [Skills].

With the power of skills, monsters were slain, and humanity regained their position as the ruler of the lands.]

Of course, this is just an extremely toned-down version of the truth, but it will do for now. I'm gonna be learning them again in the Academy anyways.

Oh, Academy? It's just an extreme way of showing off the new technology.

5 [Hunter Academies] are floating around the world right now.

Yep, you heard it right, it's the crazy plot where huge islands float around in mid-air.

[Hunter] is just a fancy name for those who slay monsters.

Anyways, the Academies are named as follows:

[Eurasian Hunter Academy]

[South-American Hunter academy]

[North-America Hunter Academy]

[Australian Hunter Academy]

[Afican Hunter Academy]

Each continent has its own hunter academies, of course, Antarctica doesn't have one. The crazy point is that Europe and Asia have their academies combined together. This results in multiple islands, and the position of the strongest academy.

And I'm gonna be studying in such a school. Even if you leave the size aside, the students in the academy are strong. I too am pretty strong, but my rank is [#4521]. You could call me pretty average.....oh whatever, there are still six months for the school to start. I can get myself stronger during this period.

Just as I was thinking of how to get stronger, an annoying voice boomed through the whole house,

"I'm home, where is everyone? Youta! Come here, I have something to show to you."

"Hey, old man, I know it's still morning, but your energy is as high as always.", I said as I walked towards him.

"Kid, age is just a number. More importantly, look at what I have got for you."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2020 ⏰

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