Chapter Two

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“(Y/n)?” Dexter said as he peeked into the guest room. His eyes instantly fell on the sleeping woman. As soon as he saw her peaceful face in a deep sleep, his heart throbbed harshly inside his chest. Blood rushed to his face, making it hotter than an exothermic reaction. 
The tension in his shoulders vanished the more he stared at her gorgeous face and body. Soon, a smile reached his lips when she let out a soft, sweet groan. How can anyone be this cute when they’re only sleeping?
His trance was then broken when his sight caught onto the bandages, and his smile disappeared. A small, yet burning rage emerged from within when he thought about how she could have gotten those wounds. Accident? No, unless she was in some sort of dangerous place, they looked nothing but intentional. Was it a fight? And if so, with who? (Y/n) didn’t seem dangerous, or even the slightest bit unlikeable. So...who would dare
“Dexter?” Her heavenly voice instantly extinguished the fire of anger, and that warm, pleasing feeling came back to him. He perked up at the sight of (Y/n)’s tired stunning eyes.
(Y/n) sat up. Dexter stood at the door, staring at her with a curious expression. She tilted her head, and then, it hit her. “Oh, is it time for the MRI scan?” she asked.
“Uh, yes! Sorry, I…” he trailed off for a second, “...I didn’t want to disturb you.” At first, she was silent, and Dexter was afraid that he might have said something wrong. But then, she smiled, and it was like the whole world had brightened up around them. 
“I-I, uh, need you to wear this,” he quickly informed, mentally facepalming himself for sounding so stupid. He held up a hospital gown, and she hopped off the bed and gently took it from him. Her hand brushed up against his for a second, and his breath hitched. 
(Y/n) held up the gown in front of her. It was a little bigger than her normal size, but it still looked like she could fit it.

“I apologize if the size isn't quite right,” Dexter said, averting his gaze. 
A tiny smile reached her face. “It’s okay, I mean, I can still wear it."

His eyes were glued back onto that hypnotizable face. “A-And I need you to fill this out.” He took out the clipboard with a paper attached that was snuggled in his back pocket.

(Y/n) put the gown on the bed and recieved the clipboard. Some she knew right away, but reading some of the others was like giving her brain a seven hour workout. “Um...what if I can’t remember any answers?” she asked.
“You may put down ‘don't know’ or ‘can’t remember’,” Dexter answered.
She nodded, and he exited the room, closing the door behind him. He leaned against the wall beside it, folding his arms and staring up at the ceiling. A long moment in, his finger subconsciously began tapping his arm rapidly. Every now and then, he glanced at the door with his mind chasing away the silence. ‘Do I need to clarify anything? No, I’m sure she’s got it. What about her gown? Should I get another one? Maybe I need to get another, but I probably need to ask first. Yeah, I should ask first, shouldn’t I?’ 
Before he could make a move, she walked out with the gown hanging above her knees and the filled out form in her hand. Dexter smiled and took the clipboard from her. “Thank you. Now, if you would follow me, please,” he said.

(Y/n) nodded, and her eyes wandered from him and to the rest of the lab, still taking in all the large, small, and especially weird-looking machines. 
Meanwhile, that particular glint in those precious (e/c) irises made Dexter’s stomach flip. Of course she would be impressed by the numerous life-changing inventions he made. Why wouldn’t she?

“Impressive, isn’t it?” he said, grinning at the fact that he already knew the answer.

Her attention was back on him, and the corners of his mouth twitched. “Yeah! Did you make all of these yourself?” she asked.
He chuckled. “No one else could.”
She beamed, rushing up to his side. “You’re amazing.”
She praised him.
She praised him!
Well, it was expected, but he never thought he’d felt this great about it! If his heart wasn’t beating ninety miles a second, it was now. Dexter realized he was staring at (Y/n)’s enchanting face as she gazed around his lab with amazement once more, but he refused to stop secretly admiring her looks. 
In the meantime, (Y/n) was oblivious of his intense stare, and continued to observe everything. She wanted to let the growing amount of questions spill onto him; however, there was always some sort of giant robot or strange object trapped in a giant tube to prevent her from doing so.

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