Chapter 7: The Doctor

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Before driving for the Chen Manor, Franco called a friend to tail them discreetly. This friend is Dr. Gwaine San Diego, a doctor he met in one of his intellectual meetings. Franco had no idea what danger they would be in, but he called a doctor just in case.

When the manor got gassed, Gwaine was in his black Honda Civic (The most invisible car in the planet, perfect for tailing) looking out for something unexpected, maybe an explosion, who knows? He would appear like a knight and shining armor, ready to pick up the grateful Franco Capiletti, wedding bells a-ringing and all. He's got crush on Franco, everybody does at some point in his life. He's friendly, warm, sweet, tactical, and hellishly attractive. Some men would just stare at that Italian arse during those meetings.

Gwaine, on the other hand, is an alcoholic who's just really good at his job. He doesn't care about a lot of things, plus, he's flirty. He is taller than Franco, and with those chest muscles, Franco should be weak on temptations. But no, it seems Franco is focused on his duty, or maybe, he's focused on someone else.

To Quinn Hampton, most probably.

Gwaine noticed how the man's eyes burn with passion when that name is brought up. It's almost funny. It's almost romantic. As a Brazilian, Gwaine would know passionate hateful romance when he sees it. He loves watching those telenovelas as a kid.

Back to the present, he saw Franco being pushed by a thin Asian man he never saw. Franco fell on his back, weak and out-of-breath. As dire as that situation was, he thought, "It's my time to shine."

But as he was about to open the door, another car immediately stopped in front of the gates and took Franco away. Gwaine ducked under the steering wheel to hide from the men who looked wary of any passersby.

"Quick, put on the oxygen!" One guy said. His uniform says he's a Hampton body guard.

"He's very weak. Do you think the Carbon Monoxide got his brain?" the other said.

"Maybe. Just put on the mask or the young master will chew us out."

Carbon Monoxide? It's Carbon Monoxide poisoning? He immediately took a gas mask under his dashboard. Doctors, especially an aiding doctor like him, are mandated to bring emergency supplies to respond to virus diseases when the 2nd wave of COVID-19 happened in America during 2020. US was the only country to get a second-wave, and so the protocols on health response became strict.

Good thing, right? He never thought he'd need that gas mask ever again.

When the guards left with Franco in tow, he went inside the manor to see if he can save the boy who threw Franco out. Whoever that boy was, he was trying to save Franco.

He quickly went inside and checked the pulses of everyone. They're all dead, save for the very boy who's lying on the top of the staircase. Good. The higher his altitude is, the less Carbon Monoxide he gets. But why get in deeper the Manor when he knows the CO is inside? Is he trying to die?
He carried the man to his car. He called 911 for the other dead people lying inside the manor.

When he reached the hospital, a bunch of Hampton guards stand close to the ER, checking for Asian people who gets in. Gwaine didn't know the gravity of the situation, nor does he knows who this guy is, and so when the guards stopped the stretcher carrying this guy, he told him he's alive but dying.

"He may not need treatment, sir." One guard said.

"What? Fuck off! This is not a Hampton hospital." The staff around him were wary. He's shouting at a Hampton associate and they know there are consequences.
Inside the emergency room, one nurse came, saying she's delivering a dextrose.

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