Out of this World

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 What was the one thing you never expected to happen in your lifetime? For me, coming face-to-face with the most, in my professional opinion, drool-worthy guy in what had to be the entire universe was certainly something I hadn't expected to happen. Also, for that person to be totally stark nude and standing on my doorstep was another thing I hadn't considered in my realm of possibilities. What I really hadn't thought even remotely possible to occur in anyone's lifetime, much less my dull one, was to meet an alien that made Hollywood's Top Ten Hottest Hunks look average in comparison.

On that note, I feel a rewind is in order. Allow me to return to the day I first met Rayein and the day my whole life turned into one big, fat babysitting job.


Just like every self-respecting citizen of the world, I started my day off by waking up, much to my displeasure. That morning I was especially unwilling to face the day, most likely because it was Monday, and grudgingly rolled out of bed. I trudged across the floor barefooted as I made my way to my alarm clock. My mom had cleverly placed the hellacious sleep destroying mechanism on the opposite side of the room from where I slept, making it impossible for me to just shut it off and go back to sleep, something in which I had been infamous for in middle school. By the time I reached the thing, I was wide awake. Like I did every morning, I contemplated moving it over to my bedside table. And like every morning, I shrugged, deciding I was too lazy, and headed to the washroom that was across the hall from my bedroom.

I quickly showered, brushing my teeth as I let the shampoo rinse out of my hair and the soap from my skin. My bathroom was left steaming as I padded back to my room with only a towel wrapped around my head.

Immediately after I made a beeline for my dresser, pulling out a clean bra and underwear. Then I headed over to the mesh of clothing I kept in the center of the room that consisted of the various pieces of my schools uniform. Once I had all of the individual articles gathered, I quickly slipped them on and returned to the bathroom.

The steam had cleared and I set to work drying my hair. When I was satisfied, I ran my brush through my medium-length chocolate brown hair. This, of course, was a major chore since I had been "blessed" with uncooperatively thick hair that loved to tie itself into knots. By the time I had it completely tamed, I decided it was too much trouble to do anything else and tied it tightly behind my head.

I applied lip gloss and a touch of eyeshadow to emphasize my simple hazel eyes before heading to the kitchen on the first floor of my two story, plus basement, house.

It wasn't long before I had a Poptart hanging from my mouth and my backpack slung over my shoulder. I flung open my front door and stopped short of making it any further.

Without my mental consent, my jaw inadvertently dropped, causing my Poptart to become acquainted with the dirt below. My brain stopped processing everything and I stared openly at the human-shaped wall that blocked my entrance into the outside world.

I wasn't completely sure what it was I registered first. It could have been the handsomely broad shoulders or the well defined abs he sported. Maybe it was because of his lightly tanned skin and the obvious muscle that bulged from his thin, yet attractive arms. Could it have been the chiseled features like his strong chin and full, luscious lips that made drool begin to build on either corners of my mouth? No, I thought. The thing my brain had grabbed hold of first when prevented with the magnificently naked creature standing in front of me and had caused my heart to speed up double-time was his fluorescent lime-green eyes that seemed to radiate their own light from underneath dirty blonde locks.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2013 ⏰

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