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"Morning sunshine." Jace said setting a coffee mug and a bottle of almond joy creamer on the table for her. "I figured you'd want me to try and wake you for time for class. I made you some coffee."

"Thank you." She said groggy. She rubbed her eyes as she sat up. "What time is it?"

"It's only 6:30, I wasn't sure when you wake up for class or how long it takes whatever effects to wear off."

"Well I appreciate you." Asher said pouring some cream in her coffee.

"How are you feeling? How did you sleep?"

"I feel.. Like I was hibernating, like a bear." She took a long sip, "I've been having some wild dreams lately."

"Any to tell me about?"

"No," She lied, "I can't remember them when I wake up. Do you happen to have a cigarette?"

"But you don't smoke? Better yet, neither do I>" He said looking to the left avoiding eye contact.

"I don't typically but I could go for one, Besides, I know you're trying to quite but you haven't yet. I see you sneak next to the porch on the other side to try and not let me see. You can't hide from me, not you should, it's your choice." She said with a gentle smile.

He let out a lengthy sigh as he got up. He walked to his tv table across from the couch, opened a drawer and pulled out a pack of newport menthols.

"Oh my wine favorite." She said excitedly.

"Yes I know," He said not looking up, his gaze seemed to trail the floor, "I thought about how you smoked like half my pack one time when we were wine drunk and commented on how these were your favorites."

"But you like camel reds."

"I did, but I started buying these incase you ever asked for one." He shrugged, handing them to her.

"Well.." This is awkward, does he like like me? That sounds juvenile. She thought to herself, "Thanks for thinking of me I suppose" She said trying to sound appreciative. At one point in living next door she really did like him, but he got a girlfriend who turned out to be controlling and She stopped trying to hang out after his girlfriend made him block her for no reason. Now she wasn't sure she was ready. It'd only been a month or two since they had broken up ans she didn't want to be his rebound, but she also didn't want to hurt his feelings.

He nodded and offered her a helping hand up.

She took it and they headed outside.

"Shit, that morning breeze is cooler than I thought it would have been. I'm going to grab a blanket." He ran in and was back out in 30 seconds.

"Alright speedy gonzalas. " She said smiling.

He sat down on a porch swing and moved the blanket, offering her a warm place to sit.

After all her inner debate about how to go about not being with him but not hurting his feelings she decided to be selfish and sit with him. He had his back against a cushioned arm rest and both legs on the swing. She crawled between his legs, under the blanket and snuggled in as he lowered the blanket around them.

"You're cozy." She said getting a cigarette out of the box. "Do you want one?" She asked him

He looked torn. After a few seconds of self debate he nodded, and she handed her the one in her hand before pulling out another for herself.

He pulled out a lighter and lit his, then offered her the lighter. Instead of taking it from him she just looked up with it in her mouth for him to light.

"This is relaxing." She said.

"I can't disagree."

Asher To AshesWhere stories live. Discover now