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Seb . My "bestfriend" she doesn't know that I know that she snitched on me . You are sitting next to him ! Omg wow ! I gave her a quick smile before I took a bite out of me sandwich .

Wish I were in your class . She poured and fake cried . It was break now and we were standing in the hallway . Tonight I'll be going to a party I was invited to ! She stressed the word invited .

I don't get invited anywhere . That's cool . I said . Well I'll be going now see you later. She chuckled and left . I let out a sight and walk towards the roof top . It's english next ,and I don't wanna attend .

I opened the door to the roof top and stepped outside . This is the only place I like in this school . A cool breeze passed making my hair flow with it .

Can you stop stalking me ? I quickly turned around . I thought I was the only one here . It's tsukishima . I wasn't . I said looking down . What ? He said while walking towards me .

I wasn't stalking you . I said clearly . I heard him scoff . He doesn't believe me . Stop lying . I know you followed me here . I didn't even know he was here .

It's a mistake I did n- I could complete my sentence . Ugh whatever continue lying . Everybody know you are obsessed with me don't you have any shame following me here ? His tone was harsh . I don't really wanna fight back nor do I wanna prove anything .

I am sorry . He sighed and left the roof top . I finally looked up and there was another boy there . Yamaguchi Tadashi . He hung around with tsukishima a lot .

I am sorry for what he said . He bowed a little . I quickly looked away and chuckled . Y-you don't have to apologise . Gosh I am so awkward .

I know you didn't stalk him . I looked up and saw his eyes . He believes me . He smiled . Yeah I ..didn't . Tsukishima won't believe me tho . I'll be going now. He waved at me and left before I could wave back .

I didn't know someone would still believe me in this school . I chuckled , good to know .

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