Safe| Kim Taehyung

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I laid on the bedroom floor stiff, I couldn't move a muscle. My abusive boyfriend Lee had just come home from a night out and began accusing me of cheating.

In the day to day life he was an absolute sweetheart, he would do everything for me and would treat me like a princess. However recently whenever he would come back from a night out and he would be a completely different person. He would take everything out on me, he would even hurt me, which I never thought he would do.

"You're such a bitch y/n, I don't even know why I fell in love with you. You're a state, I wish you was dead" Lee shouted.

He'd already slapped me across the face, pushed me against the wall and threw punches to my stomach and face. I couldn't bare it anymore.

"P-please stop" I stuttered "Your so weak y/n" And with that he took one final punch to my face making me fall back to the ground.

A few moments later I heard the front door being slammed shut, I moved my eyes to look towards the door and listened out for any movement. He'd left.

I managed to pull myself up and hobble towards the bathroom. I felt trickles of blood fall from my nose and my lip. I held onto my stomach and winced in pain. It felt like all my ribs had been smashed with a brick. I looked at my reflection and began to cry, my face was unrecognisable. I slowly took my shirt off to reveal more bruises on my body, I'm worthless.

"I wish you was dead"

Those words repeatedly played back in my head. I'd been so close to taking my life before but Lee had always stopped me and told me it would be ok.

He's such a liar

I know I'm better then this, I can do better. I put my top back on, hobbled back to the bedroom and started to pack my bags. As I made my way to the living room I heard three knocks on the door, I stopped dead in my tracks and held my breath. He was back, he was back for more. Three knocks were made again but this time a soft voice came from the other side.

"Y/n. It's me Taehyung, are you home. My sister said she could hear crying"

I immediately dropped my bags and headed towards him, as I opened the door I saw Taehyung's smile fall. I knew he could see the bruises, I knew he could see my busted lip and bloody nose. As I took one step closer he embraced me into his arms, I wrapped my hands around his body while I cried endlessly. "It's ok y/n. Your safe now, I'm here"

"I fucking hate him. I hate him" I cried. "Come on. I'm taking you away from here, I'm taking you away from this misery" He placed a gentle kiss onto my forehead. He entered the flat, picked up my bags then put them in into his car.

He picked me up bridal style and brought me to his car also, he to opened the door, placed me onto the seat and did up my seatbelt. "Safety first" he winks

He drove us back to his house and brought me inside, he took me up to his bedroom, gave me some paracetamol and told me to rest.

The next day

I woke up with a pounding headache, I could feel that the blood under my nose and around my lip had dried up. I looked down to my arms to still see the bruises. I lifted myself up and made my way to the bathroom to finish cleaning myself up. As I started to run the cold water I could feel someone's presence by the door, I turned my head quickly in panic, but once I saw it was Taehyung I sighed in relief.

"Need a hand?" He asked smiling, I nodded in shyness. He helped me up to sit on the sink and started to wipe away the dried blood, I couldn't help but look into his gorgeous eyes the whole time. I could feel my lips lift up into a smile.

"There we go. All done. Doctor Kim saves the day" He says smiling and flexing is muscles "Thanks Tae" I smiled. He helped me down and I followed him back to his room. Suddenly realisation hit me, why hasn't he questioned me about what happened, does he know more to the story?

"Look y/n. There's something you should know" I swallowed a lump in my throat and sat down on the bed.

"Your probably wondering why I haven't asked you about what happened to you but to be truthful I know its been Lee who's been doing this to you" He ran his hand through his hair and sighed.

"My sister is Lee's neighbour and she can hear everything that goes on between you both. She can hear you crying at night, she can hear the arguments and she can even hear him..him hurting you." He stuttered. A tear fell from his eye and ran down his cheek. The only thing I could do was do what I've wanted to do for a long time, I cupped his face and kissed him.

"I should have told you this a long time ago. But I love you Taehyung, since the day I met you, it's always been you" He held onto my cheek and rubbed his thumb over it softly. He kissed my forehead and looked into my eyes.

"I'm so happy you did. I've always loved you, always have and always will" I knew I was going to be safe forever. As long as I had Taehyung nothing bad would ever happen to me.

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