How we Met| Kim Taehyung

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As I made my way into the bowling-alley it was crowded, I mean obviously as it was a Friday night. I laughed with my friends as we entered the building.

Luckily we'd already pre-booked so once we got our shoes and drinks we headed towards our row. When I finished tying my shoe laces up I heard laughter from behind me. As I stood up I saw a group of boys next to us, my friend nudged my arm knocking me out of my daydream. "Come on y/n. You're up first"

I grabbed the bowling ball and threw it along the floor, and yes I made sure to put the barriers up. I watched the ball hit all the pins giving me my first strike. I jumped in happiness and my friends cheered for me. "Yes y/n" "oh my god the first one" "wooo" I smiled.

As we continued to play I couldn't help but notice a dark haired boy with a bandana around his head  smiling at me every so often. I blushed every time I made eye contact with him.

"Earth to y/n" I snapped out of my daydream once again. "What" I looked across to see some of my friends smirking and some smiling at me. I rolled my eyes, "Leave me alone guys" I knew I was blushing like mad and I know he had caught onto me looking at him. As I picked up the ball and stood in my place I heard a voice.

"Looser buys a drink" I looked over to see the dark haired boy smiling at me. "Your on" I winked. We each threw the ball and watched it hit the pins. Luckily for me I got the strike.

Looking over to him I crossed my arms and smirked, he'd only hit 3 pins. "Looser guys a drink" I mimicked him. As we walked back he came over to me. "And what would one like?" I smiled. "I'll come with you"

He smiled big time, his boxy smile was so cute. "And what would the lovely couple like to drink?" My eyes widened, did the barman really just label us as a couple. The heck. "Oh erm we're not-" "2 lemonades please" The boy cut me off.

"Here you go guys. Enjoy your evening" the barman said winking at us both before walking away. I felt the cold sensation touch my lips as I took a sip of my ice cold drink. "Thank you" I smiled. "Your welcome" he replied.

"Y/N" my friend shouted. "It's your go" I looked back to the guy. "Well I better get going" Before I could let him reply I walked away.

I didn't even catch his name.

Taehyung's POV:
She was beautiful. Her eyes, her smile, her everything. As she walked away I felt my heart sink a little, I didn't even catch her name.

As I got back to my friends I saw them all smiling at me. "Sooo what happened" my Maknae Jungkook asked nudging me. I looked over to see the girl laughing with her friends. "I think I'm in love"

Jungkook's eyes widened. "Oooo hear that hyungs Tae Tae is in love" he said dragging out the word love. I hit him, "Ow, what was that for" I sighed "She could hear you" He smiled back. "That's the plan" He stood up and walked away leaving me dumb folded.

Once the evening game to an end I saw her and her friends gather their things ready to leave. I looked up to the leader board to see we had a few more goes each before our game would finish.

As she walked past us I froze.

"Taehyung. What are you doing" Namjoon shouted snapping me out of my daze. "What. Huh" "She's leaving" I looked around to see her no longer there. I panicked. I put my drink down and ran after her.

Once I ran outside I knew I was too late. She was gone. My head fell to the ground in sadness.

As I headed back inside I saw all the boys with sad expressions. But something caught my eye when I sat down. It was her jacket.

In a flash I picked it up and ran back towards the exit in hope she would realise and come back for it. Meaning I could see her again.

Your POV:
"Shit" I mumbled. "My jacket god damn it" I shot out of the car remembering to lock it and I ran back towards the bowling-alley.

I headed back to our row to see it no longer there. "Crap" I whispered. I hurried over to the reception in hope to see if anyone had handed it in. But it was a no. I sighed. As I left the building I heard food steps behind me making me turn around in shock.

"Looking for something"

It was the boy, he had my jacket. "Yes..oh my god. Thank you so much" he handed it back to me.

"No problem. I'm Kim Taehyung by the way" "I'm Park y/n"

Thank you for all the love on this book so far. If you have any requests or ideas I would love to hear them.

Thank you so much
~G ❤️

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