Final Chapter - Let's do this, Together!

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The sun was starting to rise, letting light slowly bathe the region of Sinnoh. Dawn and I stood on one side of the allocated battle area, while Cynthia stood on the other side. We all took the time to heal our Pokémon back to health before the battle, so we had nothing to worry about. Cynthia sent out her first two Pokémon, starting with Spiritomb and Roserade, all the while Dawn and I started with Lopunny and Staraptor, respectively. Dawn then turned to me and asked: "You're used to double battles, right?" I then responded "Yeah. I'd say I'm experienced with them." "Good. Communication is key!" Dawn passionately exclaims. It was clear she was more into this than I was at the time.

However, in an unprecedented move for Cynthia, she called back her Spiritomb and switched in Garchomp. After a moment, I realised that she probably wanted to match our Pokémon's speed as best as possible, while also standing a chance against our combined mind. Cynthia then called out for Roserade and Garchomp to just "Go for it!" I didn't understand what she meant by this at first, but Dawn was right on it, commanding her Lopunny to swing around the side, and just like that, it clicked. I was in the moment, no longer unsure of myself, but... focused. I called out for my Staraptor to go high, and to then dive down, connecting with an Ariel Ace onto Roserade. What I didn't consider, however, was Garchomp, but... Dawn had my back.

As my Staraptor was diving down for Roserade, Garchomp turned a sharp ninety degrees to try and intercept Staraptor with Stone Edge, almost forming a triangle between the three, but Dawn had her Lopunny go under and through the gap between Staraptor at her lowest altitude and intercept Cynthia's Garchomp at near enough the final moments, stopping it in its tracks with an Ice Punch, while my Staraptor also landed its Ariel Ace.

Roserade fainted upon Staraptor connecting, but Garchomp was still hanging on, though with what seemed like a slither of energy. Cynthia then called Garchomp back to her side, swiftly healing it back to health with a Full Restore, returning Roserade back to its Pokeball, and then sending out her next Pokemon, Togekiss. Dawn and I then called Lopunny and Staraptor back to our respective sides, before Cynthia then held up her hand, revealing to us a bracelet containing a Key Stone. The moment I laid eyes upon it, I knew what Cynthia was planning to; Mega Evolve her Garchomp, and no less than a second later, she did just that.

A bright purple glow then enveloped Garchomp and a few seconds later, an explosion of power sounded throughout the nearby area, all to reveal Garchomp taking form as Mega Garchomp. A much more powerful version of a Pokemon that could already wreak havoc in the right hands was now staring us down. However, Dawn didn't flinch, slowly turning to me, also revealing that she was wearing a Mega Bracelet. I was reeling for a second. I had plenty of experience with Mega Evolution throughout my journeys through various regions, but right now, I couldn't put that experience to use. None of my team had the capability of Mega Evolving, or theirs had just not been discovered yet... But that's when I had an idea: To just try it out.

I still had my Mega Bracelet on me, and looking at the field, I knew if there was any time to try it, it was now. I then turned to Dawn and informed her about my idea. She was unsure at first, but she respected my thinking as I continued explaining what was on my mind about it. I called Staraptor back to its Pokeball and sent out Luxray in return. Looking at Dawn and then looking back at the field, I try it out, and... to my surprise, it worked. Luxray and I were in sync, it's like Luxray knew what I wanted without me having to say anything and just... Mega Evolved.

When the bright light dispersed, as I was greeted by Luxray's new form. Both Dawn and Cynthia were taken aback too, completely unaware, much like I was, that a Luxray could even Mega Evolve, but... then I understood: Mega Evolution isn't exclusive to certain Pokémon, every Pokémon can Mega Evolve, but a trainer just has to bring it out in them through friendship and experience. Luxray looked more powerful, and when it turned back to face me, I could tell she was feeling more powerful, too. Despite being unsure about her new power, it was like I already knew everything.

Shortly after, Dawn Mega Evolved her Lopunny too, and there we were, standing side by side, with two of our Mega Pokémon ready to face off against Cynthia's infamous Garchomp who was now even more dangerous, and her Togekiss, known for its technical and elegant approach to move usage. And for the first time in years... I felt something. I felt IT. The same feeling I felt when I faced off against Cynthia for the first time. This was it, I was finally feeling it again. Ten years... And finally, something clicked.

Without hesitation and a revived motivation, I called out for My Luxray to charge at Garchomp and go for a punishing Ice Fang. Dawn then swiftly followed by commanding her Lopunny to target Togekiss. Both of our Pokemon were charging at Cynthia's. Cynthia then called for Garchomp to use Earthquake, a good call, considering it wouldn't affect her Togekiss, a Flying-type, but would annihilate my Luxray and do considerable damage to Lopunny. However, just as Garchomp let off the Earthquake, without realising, I threw my arm up, commanding Luxray to jump into the air to avoid it, and she did. I did exactly what Dawn did with Lopunny. I was reeling for a second because I just did something that took years for Dawn to perfect and yet... Instead of being mad, or even slightly annoyed, Dawn was elated when she looked over at me.

We were in perfect synchronization in this situation. When she threw her arm down for Lopunny to hit the ground again, I did so for Luxray, and both Pokémon were in perfect synchronization as well. And it wasn't like I was trying to copy Dawn's exact movement, I was just doing what I thought was right. When both Luxray and Lopunny were in the vicinity of Garchomp and Togekiss, in sync once more, both Dawn and I shouted: "Go for it!" To which Luxray and Lopunny connected with a fierce Ice Fang and Ice Punch, respectively, fainting both Garchomp and Togekiss in one shot.

In shock and amazement, I turned to Dawn, who also turned to me, showing me a sweet and delighted smile. Cynthia then swiftly returned both her Pokémon. But, she didn't send out her final two. Instead, she walked over to Dawn and I, and said: "So, have you found it? Your place, I mean." Turning to her, I promptly respond: "I... I think I have." I then turn my head to Dawn who shows me another smile. Cynthia gently nods her head. "I'm glad you have. I'm sorry the past few years have been hard for you, but now you have a place again. In fact, you always have done, you just didn't realise it."

She then began to walk away, towards the steps that lead up to her house, but just before she reached them, she had one last thing to say: "Thank you. The both of you. You've given this woman another great memory..." She then turned back to face us for a second. "...Seeing the formation of an unbeatable team that is sure to succeed at everything and help each other, no matter where they go." Upon saying that, Cynthia walked up the steps and into her house, where she then closed the door, ending her chapter with us.

I then turned to Dawn, who was watching the sunrise. Not wanting to ruin the moment for her, as the sky was being filled with a beautiful hue of purple, I just watched with her for the half an hour or so. It didn't feel like a long time though because it felt... genuine. Our Pokémon was watching with us, enjoying it just as much as we were.

This was it. I found my place, as a double-battler. Having found my place after so long, after being in doubt of if being a trainer was what I even wanted to do anymore was a great feeling for me, but to have also found my place to be alongside one of my longtime friends, too, was... Wonderful. 

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