Run away (1/2)

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High school boys Jinki and Kibum were in the same class, but unfortunately they didn't get along with each other.

They got paired up to work on a project, Kibum protested but their teacher just ignored him and told them to fix their differences.

With that, the boys were left alone in the classroom.

"Well... How would you want to work on the project?" said Jinki, calmly.

"I hate you." replied Kibum, annoyed.

"Oh, God..." said Jinki, in disbelief "yeah, tell me something I don't know, like the reason why you hate me."

"Just choose what you'll do already and I'll work on the rest." Kibum waited for a reply, but Jinki wasn't interested in giving one "hello? did you hear me?"

"Yeah, I did." said Jinki "and did you hear me? I'm still waiting for you to tell me the reason why you hate me."

"Ugh, just do it alone." replied Kibum and left.

Jinki sighed, he really wanted to know why that guy hated him so much, they
barely knew each other but Kibum was mean to him since the beginning.

He worked alone and finished the project without a problem, in less than a week (time that they had been given).

When their teacher asked for the project at the end of the class, Kibum waited while planning which excuse to use because he didn't do his homework.

The teacher stared at him "Kibum?"

"I..." he was about to say some nonsense, but was interrupted by Jinki.

"Here, our project" said the latter, handing some sheets to their teacher.

Kibum was surprised to see his (and Jinki's) name on the first sheet, but he didn't say a thing.

"Great." their teacher grabbed the handed sheets and walked to the door "see you guys tomorrow."

"You're welcome." said Jinki, when their teacher left.

Kibum rolled his eyes "whatever."

"Why are you like this?" asked Jinki.

Kibum sighed in annoyance "I didn't ask you to put my name on your project, so stop bothering me."

"Okay, I'll stop 'bothering' you." said Jinki "just answer my question, why do you hate me?"

"You're a fool." was Kibum's answer.

Jinki sighed "give me a valid reason, that's a nonsense."

"I just don't like you, okay?" said Kibum.

"Okay..." replied Jinki with a weak voice, and left.

Flashback 💭

Jinki was a new student and Kibum caught his attention since the first day, he seemed interesting and nice.

Jinki couldn't help but smile when the other looked at him, that made Kibum's heart beat fast everytime and that scared him.

Jinki sat by his side and tried to talk to him, but when he did, Kibum always ran away.

Jinki stopped when he overheard Kibum saying that 'he was trying so hard to get his attention and that he felt stalked'.

Those words did hurt Jinki, the only thing he wanted was to be his friend.

It was true that he was attracted to Kibum, but he didn't know why or in which way, he just knew he wanted to be close to him.

He never cared about what people thought of him, but even if he didn't want to admit it, he couldn't deny the fact that his heart ached because of Kibum.

End of flashback 💭

Jinki was sitting under a tree, with his pencil and paper in hands.

He couldn't tell Kibum how he felt, so he just wrote down what he thought and how hurt he was.

You don't like me, I know.
And I shouldn't like you, but I do...

I do even if you are mean to me, I do even if you ignore me, I do even if I'm a fool to you.

I want to hate you how you hate me, but I can't...

I can't when I see your smile, I can't when I hear you laugh, I can't because I'm in love with you.


Such a difficult word.

I'm not used to it yet, and I don't know if this is the right word to express how I feel, but I didn't find any other that fits.

Jinki's watch marked 1 pm and he had to go back, classes already started so he just wrapped the paper he wrote on and put it in his pocket.

He walked slowly, wanting the time he would see Kibum to be less.

He sat at the corner, and after a few minutes, he looked for the paper on his pocket but couldn't find it.

He then saw it on the floor, near of where Kibum was.

He asked the teacher for permission to use the restroom, and when he was about to reach the paper Kibum picked it up from the floor.

Jinki wanted his paper back, but he didn't know how to talk to Kibum or ask him the simplest thing.

He was still hesitating when the teacher called him and told him to hurry.

Jinki just nodded and started to walk, thinking about every situation that could happen if Kibum read the paper.

- First of all, he didn't write his name or Kibum's so it could be anyone else's paper.

- Second, Kibum could just throw de paper away (and it seemed more like him) without reading it or care about what's written.

- Third, Kibum could just make fun of the person that wrote on the paper, still not knowing it was him so he didn't mind.

He walked back to his class after a few minutes, he didn't know why, but suddenly felt anxious and nervous.

Time passed (feeling like eternity to Jinki) and finally classes ended, he sighed and waited until all his classmates left to gather his stuff and prepared to leave.

"Is this paper yours?" Jinki heard, and turned slowly with an horror expression to met with Kibum's hand in front of his face. He then looked up and met Kibum's eyes, the latter frowned "so? Is this yours?"

"Yes." he said without thinking but then he realized the mistake he did and quickly denied "uh, well... No, no, sorry. Is not mine."

Kibum took a look at the paper "weird... This looks just like your handwriting."

Jinki looked at him with a surprised expression, why did Kibum know how his handwriting looked like? "Well... Uh, I... How did you know this was my handwritting?" he asked softly and shyly.

Kibum's eyes widened and he didn't know what to do or how to respond. What could he say? He started recalling all times he peeked at Jinki's notebook when he was not looking, every time he looked at him when the other was looking through the window "I... I always... I mean, sometimes I help teachers mark the exams and that's why..."

Jinki looked at him with a disappointed expression and took the paper from his hands "Well, you're right. This is mine."

Kibum bit his lip and saw Jinki putting the paper in his pocket and leaving his seat "who?..." he whispered, while Jinki was walking past him.

"Did you say something?" asked the latter and turned, just to see Kibum's back.

"N-no." he said and walked to the door, leaving before Jinki.

The latter sighed and took the paper out of his pocket "you..." he responded to Kibum's question "you are the person..." Kibum was by the door, with his heart racing hearing Jinki's words "that is ruining my life."

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