this my first fanfiction so god help me please.
izuku yagi is the brother to izumi yagi and the son of inko yagi aka green physic and toshinori yagi aka all might.
izuku is identifyed as quirkless and neglected by his parents and bullyied bye his ex...
⬆️⬆️⬆️Izuku's new⬆️⬆️⬆️ look after the time skip this time skip not the one inthe first chapter bye for now
Time skip jutsu!
Izuku is now 17 (ua is a college in this au) After 13 year of suffering by almost every one ever in his life and when he was 14 he lost his left eye from his bullys*flash back* izuku was was sitting in the park writing in his hero journal when from no where an explosion came and destroyed his journal and made him fall on his butt he looked up and to his dismay it was his bullys and some lackys that follow them everywhere like some kind dogs thought izuku .but was brought back to reality by Katsumi screeming in his face
Katsumi :oi deku! what were you thinking when you applaud to ua you waste of space deku !?
Katsumi:yeah now you will pay deku !!! Shouting in his face as an explosion hit his stomach shoto freezing his right arm almost giving him a frost bite and then unfreezing him by his fire side and izumi breaking his arm And throwing him up and Katsumi And Katsumi Throwing the biggest explosion destroying his left eye and after leaving him bloody then kayaking came near him and said "you know if you want to be a hero take swain from the roof of the building and wish for a quirk in a nother life oh and shoko never loved you she just felt sad for you!*end of flash back*
Izuku was sad and broken not only was he hated and neglected but alone when the first year of high school came and shoko had to leave because she'll go tokyo for high school and as a representative for the todoroki family because there was some kind of problem in the family there and because she's the smartest person of them all so she had to go and leave izuku all alone
(Back to the present)
Narrator pov:
Izukuwas seen standing at the edge of the roof of the tallest in the city heroes were trying to calme him down and stop him from jumping but they couldn't and when the top 1 and 3 hero came and saw who it was they were afraid from losing there son
Green phsic:izuku calm down son and let's just talk about
A.m:my boy calm down now come on let's go home now let's go
Izuku:I have been calm through out my all my life bing bullied hated neglected the only love that was given to me out of pity all my dreams of becoming a hero shattered like glass and you father had the ability to change my future but you ignored me then saying that I have no potential in being a hero I have nothing left to live for good bye.then he closed his eyes and jumped then everything turns to white then two figures came out Do you know who we are
Izuku:yes you are the fait
The angel :wrong we are you look you don't understand your the coin and we are the two faces on it kid you warn't strong enough to handle our power but now you ready at least for my power your not ready for his but we are your"quirk"now fly like an angel see you in your dreams kid bye. Back with izuku falling
Izuku was falling mid way but something was different his hiar was white and his eyes ware blood red color

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All might who jumped after his son was to see the changes in his son looks all baby fat was gone and the frackels was gone his skin looked paler but out of no where three pair of wings abeard on his back and his eyes shot wide open then started flying
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(Ignore the armor and the swords for now)
Every one who was watching was shocked by the new looks of the boy specialy the girls who had nose bleeds and looks of lust in there eyes.
Izuku p.o.v
I was flying in the air but I wasn't expecting to fly when he told me to fly
Angel: of course that will happen iam your power after all I know all about the our power.
Izuku:how are you talking to me ?!
Angel:iam in your mind scape I can do all what I want and one of these things is talking to you.
Izuku: well that explains .
(End of pov)
Izuku was flying up to the top of the roof with all might behind him (he didn't fly he jumped from the bottom)
When izuku landed he saw all the shocked faces of the heros but he didn't give to fucks about it he looked to his "mother"and her face was a mixter of sadness and relief
Inko:izuku you are ok my baby boy Inko was going to hug izuku but fell back to the heros and looked up to see a really mad izuku glaring at her with pure anger in his eyes
Izuku: don'
Inko:my baby what do you mean
Izuku:now you see me after 13 years of neglect now that I have a quirk I exist you now care about me ha don't make me laugh your no parents your quirk hungry all you see is power that's why when me and izumi were growing up you only saw here! Iam going now see you at home.
In izuku's mind scape
Angel: wasn't that a bit rough
Izuku:no it wasn' what can I do with my quirk ?
Angel:well let's see you can........
(Clefe hanger bam bam baaaaaaaaa m any way hope you enjoyed the chapter as I did writing it now peace ✌️).