Chapter 17

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Sarah's POV-

-OK, kids. Lets get this plan in motion. Sean, let them in. Kara, find Harry and tell him what's going on so that he can help us.

Both kids nod and are off. This is going to be incredibly risky, but if we can make them believe that they are here but messing with them, we can help them. I just hope that Harry didn't forget the key to open the door. I walk into my office and sit down in my chair. I try to make myself busy, moving papers around the desk, looking through my e-mails, and other things. I don't hear anything. I should be hearing footsteps by now. Oh, the children!

Sean's POV-

-This way. I remember seeing a shadow in that corner of the room last night.

I say to the officers. I'm really scared. I'm trying my best to distract them from getting to Sarah, so I'm getting them to check every room. 

-Kid, there's no one here.

One of them says to me. 

-Are you telling the truth?

The other one says. Oh no.

-Of course I am. Don't you believe me? It scared me so much last night I couldn't sleep. 

-Alright, kid. That's enough. Bring me to Mrs. Danford. 

Ok, fine. I'll take them to her, but they better be nice. 

-Follow me.

Sarah's POV-

I hear footsteps outside my door and then someone knocks. I take one deep breath and-

-Come in.

The door opens and its Sean with two policemen. Here come the questions.

-Gentlemen, do come in and sit down. Thank you Sean for bringing them to me.

I say calmly and give Sean a comforting smile. I can see how uncomfortable he is as he walks out and closes the door behind him.

-What can I do for you gentlemen?

They didn't sit down. They must be in a hurry. I'll stay seated though.

-We're looking for five teenagers, escaped the Uthington Science Facility this morning. Very disruptive. They have special abilities from the facility that they might use inappropiately. 

-Abilities? This is new. I haven't seen any such thing. Please, enlighten me. 

Lets hope this works.

Jack's POV-

-Branton, stop pushing!

This stupid tunnel is smaller than we expected. We barely have room to walk in it instead of crawling. Branton ended up right behind me, when I clearly instructed him to be behind the girls for their safety. He's so annoying at times. 

-Sorry, man. It's the girls.

-No, its not!

I hear all three of them say at once. Branton immediately appoligizes. Idiot. I keep walking forward, everyone behind me. Soon I see a ray of sunlight up ahead.

-Guys, we're almost there. Sunlight is up ahead. 

-Thank goodness. 

Akilah immediately says in relief, and I understand where she's coming from. After a little longer walk, we get to the light, where we have to climb up a ladder. 

-Wait down here a little bit. I want to check if its safe.

I climb up the ladder and out the clearing. I end up in a medow outside of town. I look around, and nothing but Uthington in the distance is seen. 

-Guys, we're good.

Branton's head emerges from the tunnel.

-Dude, that was weird.

Then I see his whole body, Akilah right behind him. Of course, he helps her up, while I go to help Stella and Kath. Stella's head becomes visible when I reach down for her hand.

-Let me help.

-Thank you, Jack. You're so sweet.

Ok, she is way too into me at this point. I still help her out when I see Kath. I reach out, but she doesn't take my hand. She climbs out by herself, not looking at me until she's standing. 

-Thanks, but I don't need your help.


Fine, whatever. It's not like I'm trying to be a gentleman or anything. I look around, trying to find something familiar other than Uthington in the distance. 

-Where do we go from here?

-I have no idea, Branton. This is very weird to me. How far away from Uthington are we?

-5 kilometers. The policemen should already have left the orphanage.

Akilah immediately answers. Perks for her to be super smart, literally. 

-OK. We can't go back now. They're looking for us. 

-Why did we run away in the first place? OK, so they're trying to use us for an operation but do we even know what kind?

Stella's optimistic view is annoying me a little right now. 

-Look, Stella. They don't view us as teens. They look at us and see weapons they can use against others. I'd like to know against who though. 

-I know. We need to find a way to figure it all out. 

Kath is talking some sense. Thank goodness. While the rest of us are thinking of what to do now, without any resources, Akilah takes out her phone.

-You really want to play on your phone right now, Akilah?

-No, Stella, you don't get it. I have all of Gregory's computer information on here.

Suddenly, we're all intruiged. 

-What? How did you get that?

We're all walking to her now and she holds the phone for us to see.

-I couldn't sleep one night and ended up snooping around. I wanted to be nice and update Gregory's computer and found interesting information that I wanted to take a better look at some day, without him knowing of course. I think I may find something that could help.

This is shocking. Nice little Akilah stole classified information. That's new. 

-So, what did you find?

-Jack, you're too impatient. I just started reading.

-Fine. Sorry.

-Got it!

Of course she does. 

-OK, Jack was right. We are weapons. 

-Told ya.

I look at the other, a small smirk growing on my face, while Stella scoffs. How nice. 

-They plan to use us against threats from Romanotia, our neighboring country. 


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