Chapter 33

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Gregory's POV-

With Akilah's master skills, we end up running through the busted door and down the stairs into the main foyer of the 70th floor. I look through the windows of the testing rooms. People are hard at work, like nothing ever happened. Are they working for Judith too? I wonder what they are working on? Everyone is running forward, I can't stop now. We get to the elevator and I see a small decorative desk. My bag is on it. I take it, shocked to see that everything is still in there. There's no time to keep looking though and we get on the elevator. Mr. and Mrs. Danford are the first to get in and the rest of us follow. There's many of us, if we include the kids. Raquelle and her son cuddle up in a corner as the doors close. We're going down to the first floor. Jack is holding Kath's hand, Akilah has Branton's arm around her, and I finally notice how much they have all changed throughout the years. But not time to dwell on memories. Things will get really bad if we don't do anything about it. Who knows what Judith has already done. We get to the first floor and the doors open. No one is there. Strange. I thought there would be someone. No one's in Reception. Is everyone working upstairs? 

-Does anyone know what the hell is going on?

Branton's voice echoes through the silence, shocking me a little bit.

-I don't know. It seems that they escaped.

-I don't believe that. 

Akilah may be smart, but her imagination only reaches so far. 

-Mr. and Mrs. Danford, you should catch a train back to Uthington with Harry. And take Mrs. Fountaine and her son with you.

I eye both of them, and they nod, slowly. I see the fear that is hidden behind their eyes, the little green eyed boy holding Mrs. Danford's hand tightly. 

-They're here.

Stella catches me off guard, but as soon as those words are said, two armed soldiers close the exit. Shit!

-Don't move or we shoot.

They have huge guns pointing in our direction. Raquelle is holding my arm tightly. It hurts me a little, but I don't tell her. She needs safety right now, just like the rest of us. 

-Where is Judith Accola?

Jack barks at the armed men, no fear in his voice. 

-That is not information we are authorized to share. 

One of them says back, rather calm. 

-We need to know.

-Another word and we'll shoot.

The other one barks back, but Jack isn't going to give in so easily. I know he won't. 

-Tell. Us. Now.

He's almost whispering in the most frightening way. But they stick to their word. One of points the gun at Jack's head and pulls the trigger. Jack doesn't flinch as the bullet hits his forehead, but it bounces off and falls to the floor. 

-Good try.

They start walking forward, catching us off guard. Branton turns his skin into shiny silver steel just in case they try another stupid move. I want to do that. Raquelle, now standing behind me, has Adam wrapped around her waist, her left hand holds her black heels, and the right one covering her mouth. When did she ever let go of my arm? I still have my bag strapped crossed over my shoulder when I remember the chloroform is still in there. As the thought crosses my mind, one of them tries to grasp Stella's arm, and the other tries punching Jack for not being dead, I guess. Jack dodges the blow flawlessly, but Kath only needs to raise her hand for the other guy to fly accross the room against the wall. Oh no.

-Danford! Back door. Go!

Mr. Danford takes his wife's hand, the free hand, and run to the back with the little kid. I look around at Raquelle, her green eyes catching me off guard for a second. She's crying.

-Go with them.

That's all I have to say and she and her son run to follow the others. I look at the scene in front on the door. The guy Kath attacked is moaning on the floor. The other is trying to use his gun to hit Jack. It works. Jack stumbles back, but punches back. Branton runs to catch his arms and holds them behind his back. He can't move. Perfect. I almost run towards them, stopping Jack from punching the guy again.

-Wait. I have an idea.

I take a cloth and the chloroform from thw bag. I soak the cloth in it and hold it at the guys face. One sniff and he conpletely unconscious.


Branton lets go of his hands and he flops down on the ground.

-That's kinda scary.

-Kinda epic too

Jack counters.

-Come on. We gotta find the bitch.

Jack's words make me chuckle and I realize that I've never agreed with him more. The six of us reach the door but then I feel a sharp pain in my back. What? I can't keep my balance. I fall to the floor and I realize I was shot by the other guy.


Kath's voice is the last thing I hear before it all goes black. Raquelle!

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