Chapter 10

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"Make sure James is there", I said to Gaby on the phone.

"What are you up to?", she asked probably warily.

"One word... Payback", I said smirking.

"He's been trying to contact you since you left. You know that right?"

"And I like facing my problems head on"

"When did James become a problem to you?"

"Since he thought he could play me and move on in my very before"

"Speak of the devil, he's here"

"This makes everything so much better"

"Ruby, I'm the mischievous one but right now you're scaring me"

"Drop the call, don't worry", I said. As I dropped the call.

In about five minutes, the car came to a screeching stop and as I calculated, James and Brylee came out to the balcony to see what was happening as well as a few nosy passer by that stopped to see what the commotion was about. When my mum said she wanted James to be in shock, she meant it. I was dressed in a red been day con jumpsuit with my hair in cornrows and my edges done flawless by yours truly. She wanted me to make as big an entrance as that. The day we went shopping, she sent one of the drivers to drop my things at the house so I wouldn't need to stress much.

I basically waltzed in with Richy because he couldn't pass up a chance to see James in such a fit. Apparently he thinks I'll make James beg.

"Hey Brylee! James ", I said chirping and hugging Bry and just nodding at James to let him know I acknowledged his presence.

"I called you 20 times yesterday", he stated pissed.

"Well I let your call ring that number of times too. What a coincidence!", I replied, my voice laced with sarcasm.

"Why the sudden attitude? Is there something I should know"

"I don't think so"

"This is getting really awkward. Font you think so Bry" Richy said, whistling awkwardly.

"We'll be down by the sit out if you need us. Don't kill each other" Bry said dragging Richy as they both ran like the ground was hot coal.

"First question, why were you ignoring me?", he said, looking so angry he didn't notice we were alone now.

"Like you don't know", I said and scoffed.

"I honestly don't. Own minute you're with Raine and I and next minute you just get up and walk out without wasting. What's up with you?"

"So her name's Raine, no wonder", I said out loud, forgetting about the thing called inner voice.

"What's wrong with her name?"

"Nothing that concerns you"

"What's really wrong with you?"

"Just the fact that you send me mixed signals. You take me for a date and the pick a fight, walk out on me and next thing you're cuddling it up with another girl in my living room, for crying out loud"

"Is that what this is about"

"Its always been about this. I can't believe I saw something in you"

"You do"

"That's not my point. I mean I'm ready to go all in with you and you decide its time to do your main agenda and start playing with my feelings. Let me finish, seriously, you had to bring your dirty work here in front of a girl you kissed not up to a week ago..."
, I ranted on but he cut me short by smashing his lips on mine.

"What was that for?", I said and hit him on his chest.

"You really don't get it do you?"

"No. Not really", I said innocently.

"Raine's a classmate. I had her help me get you all riled up"

"And how'd that work out for you?"

"Judging from your reaction, I'd say it worked our perfectly"

"Don't ever try that. What if I didn't believe you"

"Then I'm glad you do"

"Is it me or do you look pale"

"Yeah about that... I haven't actually been eating that much since you left"

"What the... You have to be kidding me", I said and walled into the kitchen , James hot on my trail.

Luckily, there was rice and beef stew left in the kitchen. As I began to heat up the food, I felt a pair of hands snake around my waist while a pair of lips peppered my neck with kisses while I was busy.

"Unless you want to eat this food with a pang of burnt taste, you have to stop ", I said laughing.

"I thought I'd really lost you"

"You would have if I didn't have to lie to some hot boys that I have boyfriend"

"How's that lying if I can fill in that position perfectly"

"You really mean that"

"I wasn't laughing when I said it"

"Let's do it"

I believe that sometimes grand gestures aren't really what strengthens a relationship so the littlest of things such as this could be a real go to when asking a girl to be your girlfriend. What are your thoughts?

Don't forget to vote, comment and share the story. I think its going really great. Thanks for your support everyone.


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