Chapter 11

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Annie's POV: Today is the mommy and Hayley come home I got up and got dressed immediately I couldn't wait I was so excited.

My dad and I left the to the airport and picked them up the second I saw them I ran and gave Hayley a big hug and then my mom.  I missed them both so much I couldn't wait to get back to the hotel talk to them catch them up on what has happened in my life since they were gone and for them to tell me about my aunt.  When we got in the car I noticed that that mommy had the camera in her hand I knew they had been vlogging she started recording and saying that we were all together again she then handed the camera to me and I started vlogging.  (Annie talking to the camera) hey guys you heard correctly were all back together I missed mommy and haybug both so much and couldn't wait to see them and give them both a big hug.  I then turned the camera off and handed it back to her.  Once we got to the hotel mommy and Hayley showered and we were going to go out to get dinner when I got a text from Hayden saying that his dad invited me over for dinner tonight. I was so nervous I almost didn't want to go but I asked anyways and my parents said it was fine. I went into my suitcase trying to look for something to wear I couldn't find anything. The dinner was 7:00pm and it was 4:24pm so Hayley and I went to the mall to look for something to wear. While we were there I started to tell Hayley all about me Hayden she shocked but happy for me. Hayley knows how hard it was for me when Caleb passed away. We went back to the hotel and I got ready I got dressed did my hair and some light makeup. Hayden said he would pick me up so I texted him and told him I was ready he was going to come pick me up I was waiting for him and then I got a text from him saying he was outside.  I said by to Mommy hay and dad. (Annie's outfit it at the top) When we got to his house I greeted everyone then we sat in the living room making small talk till dinner was ready during dinner next to Hayden across from his dad they start asking how Hayden and I am Man if my family lives in a LA. I said we met through Johnny and that we just came to visit LA but we bought a house here because due to social media and everything else we need somewhere to stay while we're here.  They asked how long we were going to be here I said I think 2 more weeks but I'm not sure.  After dinner I stayed for a little to help clean up Hayden thought I would be there longer but I wanted to get back to the hotel since hay and mommy has just gotten back, he dropped me off and said bye and asked if I wanted to do something tomorrow I said I don't know if I can but I'll text gol I kissed him goodbye and got out the car and went back to the hotel room.  When I got up my family was vlogging so I joined I don't really enjoy YouTube as much as I did when I was younger but we do it mostly in honor of Caleb.  I miss him so much before I was closer to Caleb but when he passed away it kinda forced me in a way to become closer to my only sibling I still had. 

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