Katniss Everdeen

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I wake up in the cave Peeta and I have been using as shelter.   I sit up and start to fish out a bit of food we can eat for breakfast when I notice blood covering a patch in the sleeping bag.  Peeta is still asleep.  It's all over the crotch of my pants.  Peeta rustles and I realize that I've gotten my period.  I hope Peeta doesn't notice that it has stained the sleeping bag.  He rubs his eyes and smiles when he sees me.  I crawl to the backpack to get something for us to eat.  His eyes widen at the wet red spot that shows just enough for someone to notice.

"Katniss!  What happened!" he asks in a panicked voice.  "Oh my gosh are you okay?"

"Um, yeah." I look away, embarrassed, with a roll in my hand.  I spilt it in two and he accepts one half.

"Why are you bleeding?  Did a wound reopen?"  He's still staring at the stain on my pants.

"No," I say.  "I got my period."


"Mhm." I do my best to hold back tears.  "God why couldn't it have waited even one day longer!"  Peeta shifts over to me and wraps his arms around waist.  I wipe my eyes with the back of my hand.

"Hey, it's fine Katniss.  This happens to all girls right?" He says.

"Yeah, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't happen to most girls during the Hunger Games.  I'm literally on live TV crying over blood soaked pants and a boy who probably hates me now."

"I don't hate you.  I love you."  I don't know what to say to this so I stay silent.  My stomach cramps as I think about how on Earth I'm going to clean up this mess.  Peeta sees me wince and he finishes his roll.

"I'm going to the stream to wash up." I say.  I kind of hope he stays here, but I know a part of me wants him to come with.  He follows me through the trees to the water where I strip off my pants and underwear to wash them. I think of Prim watching me.  I highly doubt that she has gotten her period yet.  I want the games over with.  I want to go back and see her again.  The water turns pink as I scrub the fabric.  

"Katniss?  I think you got a present." Peeta calls when he sees the small parachute floating down next to us.

"What makes you think it's for me?  It could just as well be for you."  But he smiles sheepishly after he sees what's inside.

"Because I don't think I have any use for these."  He hands me a small box of tampons and laughs when my eyes light up.  I dance around in the water hanging my wet clothing on a nearby bush.  He buries the box into our backpack after I take one and insert it myself.  The poor boys watching this right now with their mothers, I think.  Poor Gale, I think.

The sun feels great on my body and I can only smile as I put the warm clothing back on and shoot a rabbit for dinner.

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