Primrose Everdeen

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I woke early in the morning up to the sound of crying.  Prim had slept in my bed last night complaining of terrible stomach pain.  I had thought it was maybe a bug, but she said she didn't feel like throwing up.  More like she was being kicked in the stomach.

"Shhh, it's okay Little Duck." I said.  Prim turned to face me.

"K-Katniss?" she stuttered.  "If an orange is called an orange, then why isn't a lemon called a yellow?"  Honestly, I didn't know what to say about this.

"Is this what you've been crying about?"

"No, n-not exactly.  But I feel so sad for the lemon.  And I'm almost mad at the orange.  Like it's selfish because it's the only f-fruit that is named after a c-color or vice-versa."

"Oh Prim, what's wrong?  Does your stomach still hurt?"

"A little, but I think I wet the bed. I'm sorry" she said between tears.

"That's okay.  I can throw the sheets in the wash and we'll sleep on the couch."

"Okay.  I'm really sorry."

"Nothing to be sorry about, no worries."  I got up and opened the window shades to let in a bit of light.  Prim shrugged the thin comforter on the floor as I turned around revealing a puddle of dark red blood around her um, lady parts.  I ended up following my first instinct which was to scream.  Then I realized, Prim was fine.  I mean she looked terrified, but she wasn't dying or sick.  She'd just gotten first period.  I laughed at my self for being for stupid.  Thinking for just a moment that I might lose my sister.  Prim stared at me and back at her blood, and back at me.

"Congratulations Primrose!" I shrieked hugging her, spinning her around in the air.  I think she was speechless.


Katniss hugs me and twirls me in the air.  I don't understand why she wants to congratulate me for a terrible kidney infection.  I decide I might as well ask.

"Katniss!" I screech.  "I need water!  And Vitamin C!  And cranberries!  And apples!  Why in all of Panem are you congratulating me on a kidney infection?"

My sister suppresses another laugh.  I start crying again.  She kneels down next to me wrapping me in her arms.



"Mom never talked to you about this?"  I give her a funny look.  "I assume that would be a no."

"I guess not."


It's a little tricky to believe that Prim hasn't had 'the talk' with Mom.  Then again, she doesn't converse as much as she did before Dad died.  I remember her sitting down with me a just a month before the mine incident while Dad took Prim into the meadow and picked flowers.

"You got your first period Little Duck."  She stares at me.  "You're thirteen.  It was going to happen eventually."


"Well, basically you could have children now.  But you should hold off for a while on that."  I grab a medical book off the shelf in the next room. I skim the pages coming to the stop when I find a black and white diagram of the female anatomy.  "Once a month for a few days, blood and tissue builds up in the uterus in preparation for a fetus to grow.  Then if there isn't a baby the blood and stuff exits your uh, you know.  That's your period.  Also hair where it's not necessary, sweat and you might as well start wearing a bra."

Prim is still staring at me.  She's partially disgusted but mostly in awe.

"Also, boys get waaaay cuter." I whisper playfully.  She giggles a bit.

"Like Peeta?" Prim teases me.

"Sort of." I admit.  "If you have any questions, feel free to reference the book or ask Mom or I.  Now get dressed, I'm pretty sure Mom has some pads in her bathroom, we should go if we want to be back for breakfast."

"Where are we going?"

"The Hob."



We close the door on our way in and I set the bag of feminine products on the kitchen counter.  The first I see is Mom drinking her tea wearing a worried expression on her face.

"Where have you girls been?  I've been worried sick about you two!"

"I took Prim with me to The Hob.  She got her period this morning."

"Oh Primrose!  Congratulations!  Are you feeling alright?  You know you can always come to me if you have a problem sweetie."

Prim is beaming as her nods and hugs Mom.

"I love you both." she says.

"We love you too Prim."

"You're the best Mom and big sister ever!" she reminds us while skipping up the stairs with bag in hand.

Wow this was my longest piece yet!  I think I'm gonna start including these little Author's Note things at the end instead of update parts.  This one was really fun to write.  You know what is also fun to write?  My new Divergent fanfic!  It's called ASCENDENT and you can find it on my page if you're interested.  This(as in the story you are reading right now) is my most popular work on Wattpad so far.  Honestly I don't know why.  It really just came from what would people might call a shower thought but I was in my bed not the shower.  Menstruation is rarely if ever mentioned in YA dystopian novels so I came up with this.  Anyway, you're probably sick of my talking so I'll let you go now.  See ya' on the next page!

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