Chapter 2

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(Same day)

I was running....I don't know where but I was following a brunette....She seemed to be running from something...Was it me? I turned around and saw nothing, I started shouting "Hey!" but she didn't seem to notice. Finally she stopped running, I caught up to her....she didn't have a face. It was just a blurred face looking, or atleast what I thought, at me. She tilted her head as if she was smiling, and pulled a knife from behind her back. The knife was dripping blood, who's blood was it? I felt a strange pain surge through my chest, I looked down and saw blood seeping through my white t-shirt. She started to laugh like a maniac, her voice seemed familiar.....Next thing I know, I was soaring through the air and falling down a cliff. Before I blacked out, the last thing I remember was the girl saying "Nighty Night, Zachy." Then BAM, I hit the ground, as I woke up, screaming in fear. I had fallen off my bed, panting and sweating. The dream seemed so realistic, and the girl seemed like someone I knew. My little sister came into my room asking if I was okay.

"I heard you screaming, are you okay Zachy-Bear? She was so adorable when she called me that. I picked her up and sat her on my lap, she snuggled into my chest. 

"Yes princess, I'm fine. Now go get dressed for school, isn't your band concert tonight? She nodded her head as in yes.

"Are you going to come?" she said as she batted her eyelashes and gave me the puppy dog face.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world." she grinned, she always enjoyed getting attention. I kissed her on her forehead as she skipped to her room. She may be annoying at times, but I love her to pieces. I got dressed, grabbed my skateboard, then headed to school. Riding my board was easy since I only live like 5 minutes from school. On days I take Darcy to school, I drive but today my dad was taking her. I stopped and looked for Madi, you're probably asking "is that you girlfriend?", man I wish! I have liked her since Freshman Year, when I first met her. She's so beautiful, brown hair, deep green eyes, gorgeous smile, rockin' body, and she is really smart. Sometimes I feel like a douche though, I know I am a really big flirt, and I hit on lots of girls. I just got out of a relationship with this girl named Hayley, she said I was flirting with other girls too much and dumped me. I miss her, but I like Madi too, and this other girl named Emily. The only downfall for liking Madi and Emily is that they're best friends.  I wouldn't want to ruin their friendship, so I gotta stay away for a bit. I was walking down the hallway when I spotted Madi, I didn't want to talk to her just yet, I wanted to take in her beauty. Damn, the way she smiled, it sent chills down my spine. No, I'm not a creeper for just watching her! I walked to where Madi was, and tapped her on her shoulder. She turned around mid-laugh, man she was gorgeous! I couldn't help myself but smile at her.

"Hey beautiful, how are you today? I said casually as I engulfed her into a hug. She tried to say something but it came out muffled. I guess I should let go, huh? I released her as I laughed, and gave her a "What did you say?" look.

"What I was trying to say was great, but I guess you got the hint huh?" she chuckled, the things this girl does to me. Sadly I heard the bell go off, Madi went and said goodbye to her girls. She was about to leave but not before I could give her another hug. I watched her as she walked out the class, casually looking at her ass. What?! I am a guy, and if you saw her's you wouldn't be saying that haha! I went and sat down in my seat as I thought about Madi. I couldn't wait till lunch so I could talk to her, being around her made me smile. The teacher started talking about dreams and what they meant, hey maybe I can use this to understand what mine was about. He said that most dreams can relate to events that have happened or might happen, I hope he is wrong about that. I think dying because some girl whooped my ass sounds like a terrible way to die. I replayed my dream and thought about the girl in it. The girl was pretty at first, but then she seemed to change when she killed me, even though it was the same person. I thought really hard, for some reason in the background I saw another girl. She resembled the first girl but again she didn't have a face, she seemed afraid of something. For the next hour I kept looking for the little things in my dream to see if they relate to anything in my life. I am kinda superstitious, so I had to do that for the sake of my sanity. But all that was in the dream was a white, endless room, those two unidentified girls, and myself. I shrugged it off as the bell rang again signaling it was time for the next class. Only two more periods till I get to see Madi.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2012 ⏰

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