Chapter 1

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"Indigo! Wake up! You're going to miss your shift!" I hear muffled through my new head girl dormitory.

Shit. I'm going to be late and it's only the first night. I quickly get up rummaging through my already messy room for my robes. I throw them on and realize my head girl pin is missing. Where the hell could that have gone in literally one day?

"Ind! Come on you're gonna miss it, I told Flitwick to make you head girl for a reason!" Luna screams through my door.

"I'm getting my robes on now!" I yell back and hear her float away. I guess I'll find my pin later, no one is going to notice anyways.

I make my way down what seems like a hundred flights of stairs into the Ravenclaw common room where Luna is sitting at a study table by the door with my pin in her hand. I really don't know what I would do without her. "Here is your pin, but please, before you go, can you help me with a potions question?"

"Ugh, okay I owe you anyways, what is it?"

"Armadillo bite, scarab beetles, and ginger roots are all used in which potion?"

"Wit-sharpening potion!" I say already running out of the room.

"Thanks! Have fun and watch out for wrackspurts!" Luna echoes after me. For the love of Ravenclaw, why is she even awake at 3 a.m.? And why did she turn down head girl and suggest me, of all Ravenclaws, to take it over? I know she's busy helping her dad with The Quibbler, but I am so not qualified for this. I've been flying under the radar since I transferred here in fifth year and I'm still not trying to get in anyone's way two years later. Some days I do miss America, but not so much Ilvermorny. Life was much simpler there when my parents were just working for the American ministry to make sure He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named didn't rise to power across the world. I know I'm a British witch through and through, but it's hard knowing Azure, my brother, isn't here.

Azure was head boy for the Horned Serpents at Ilvermorny and I just wish I were still at school with him so he could help me pave my way here at Hogwarts. He was the wizard everyone wanted to be and the boy that all the girls wanted to be with. Things just come so naturally for Azure and I know if he saw me running around almost late for my shift he would definitely have something to say. I'm glad I got to be a Horned Serpent with him for at least four years before my parents got relocated back to London to help combat the Death Eaters.

Wait? Is there someone behind that pillar? I was so deep in thought about my life before Hogwarts I wasn't even paying attention to where I was. I walk towards the pillar and see platinum blonde hair poking out from the side, very obviously not wanting to be seen.

I pull out my wand, "Who's there?" I say bravely. Before I know it Draco Malfoy is standing in front of me with an intense glare.

"Woah, calm down, Prewett, I'm going back to the dungeons now. No need to disarm me." Before I even have the chance to speak he's already run off. I stand there, looking like a bloody idiot, for thirty seconds after he's left with my mouth wide open. I had totally forgotten he would be coming back for an eighth year as a part of the program the Wizengamot sent him on instead of going to Azkaban.

I start walking through the halls again with only a few minutes left in my shift before I can go back to bed and I can't help but remember the ghastly time I had fifth year when I was weirdly infatuated with that pure-blood narcissist. I mean come on, I am just as pure-blood as him and it has never crossed my mind that I'm better than someone who is muggle-born. I remember the day I got sorted into Ravenclaw in Dumbledore's office and he had known about my parents' involvement with tracking Death Eaters for the Ministry. Dumbledore was happy I was joining the ranks of Ravenclaws in my family, and in the same conversation warned me about the potential of there being a Death Eater roaming our halls. I walked out of his office trying to figure out what he had meant, when I accidentally ran into who I would later learn to be Draco Malfoy, dressed in an all black suit, with worry and panic across his face. We quickly apologized to each other and went our separate ways. However, I decided to hide behind a pillar and watch Malfoy disappear into a mysterious room that I could have sworn was not there before. That's when I knew, he was the Death Eater Dumbledore warned me about. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2020 ⏰

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