Chapter Twelve: "Training"

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No beta we die like men (A/N)

Tsuna chuckled softly, brown hair danced with the wind, his hair remained uneven and wild just like as it is before. He loved the thought of teaching his brothers but also worried that it'd barely be enough. Eyes are all set on him, they burn his back enough to cause a mental hole.

Any person with a set pair of eyes can see Heine's strong glance of curiosity, sharp and clean. Tsuna wouldn't even be surprised if the tutor had muttered theories of his identity inside of his mind in a split second.

They've settled down on the training grounds, it belonged originally to the royal knights, but borrowing it for a little sparring wouldn't cause that much of a loss to the knights. It should be fine.

As expected, there was barely anyone there, all of them had possibly gone back to their duties, or perhaps chatting around with their fellow knights, it's close to lunch hour after all.

The tutor took the initiative, he stepped ahead and stops right in front of everyone. His crimson eyes bore to each and one of them, even the princes. He stood proud and straight, hands grasping his tools lightly.

"This mentor, Sir Tsuna shall be the one to provide you all with enough knowledge of physical defence for the current time," Heine spoke slowly, his elegance stayed intact as he moves to guide Tsuna to be right next to him.

Tsuna played along gladly, he tugged his cuffs as he cheekily crosses his arm. He hadn't intended it to come off as cocky, but he stayed with his position. A amuse smile rose itself on Tsuna's face, some of the princes were displeased by his manner.

"You will all take turns, proceeding the event one by one. The order shall be random, picked as to Sir Tsuna's desire, " Heine started carefully, words low yet understandable to be heard. It was hanging off, but he continued, "Do not, in any circumstances, disobey."

Heine's last word was pressed in a venom, he hadn't taken care of the princes long enough, but his instincts have adapted to the expectation of the princes causing the daring amount of troubles.

Tsuna whistled inside, had the professor gone through a rough day? His mood looked disturbingly displeased. He almost looked like Reborn's daily expression.

"Am I understood?" Heine questioned, which was replied with a firm yes from all of the princes. The tutor stepped back as his shoulders relaxed, he spares a glance towards Tsuna, it's your turn now.

"Kufufu, what an odd combination his children are," Mukuro added, entertained and pleased. He died each of them, the same action Heine had done earlier, and giggles. This cannot be a good sign.

Tsuna starts to question if it had been the best decision to bring the purple-haired man here, considering his attitude doesn't fit well with anyone. He just hopes Mukuro doesn't cause him another headache to deal with.

'Should I speak freely?'  Tsuna felt the need to ask himself, it was easier if he can speak out his words in a manner that doesn't need every sense of refinement.

He decided it's all or none.

"Mornin', as you all have heard, I will be your mentor for today. It'd be quite easy really, let's just cooperate nicely, shall we?" Tsunayoshi cooed with an ounce of an accent, as an outsider, he should act like one, not like one that has lived in the said country for eighteen years.

Every each one of them seems to not mind his lack of formality in his words, therefore he proceeds without a heavyweight in his mind.

"I would start with you, the kingdom's lily." His finger pointed straight to the poor hearted Leonhardt, the blonde yelped in surprise, perhaps not expecting him to be chosen out of all his brothers.

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