➤ 𝙒𝙞𝙛𝙚𝙮𝙨

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6:34 PM


girls squad!
3 people >

wifeys #2 and 3

Mitsuri is now online
Shinobu is now online

you two.
7 pm.

Y/N is now offline

are we in trouble?

i'd like to think she's treating us

we'll see

Shinobu is now offline
Mitsuri is now offline


6:59 PM

"Why are you eating a breadstick?" Shinobu questioned you weirdly, coming up to you with Mitsuri at her side.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"Why did you call us here?" Shinobu questioned again, narrowing her eyes at you.

"Am I not allowed to hangout with my Council wifeys? You both hurt me."

Mitsuri squealed, "I told you she was treating us!"

Shinobu sighed in relief and smiled brightly, fully ready to relax and spend some time with the both of you (though she kind of wished the pink and green haired girl wasn't there). Mitsuri quickly took hold of your free hand (the one not carrying the breadstick) and began to drag you around the mall to start shopping with Shinobu following from behind.

Shinobu cleared her throat, and rasped, "Hurry up and finish eating your breadstick."


"I want to hold your other hand."


7:32 PM

The three of you were content walking down the line of shops at the mall, both your hands busy holding theirs. Both girls happily interlaced their fingers with yours.


You all turned your heads to see two delinquents, more specifically Daki and her brother Gyuutarou walking out of a store near to where you were. Daki held a bright grin on her face at the sight of you, and Gyuutarou had on a small smile. The female delinquent waved like a dork and dragged her brother over to your.

"Hey Daki, Gyuutarou!" you greeted.

Immediately, both Shinobu and Mitsuri tensed up when they recognized the two—their grips on your hands tightened. Daki and Gyuutarou saw the two other Student Council members by you, and when they saw your hands interlaced, they tensed as well.

"Oh, are these your wifeys #2 and 3?" Daki questioned tauntingly when she saw the two other girls at your side.

"Yeah!" you confirmed, trying your best to ignore the tension between the four.

"Oh, cool!" Daki grinned again, this time more confident. "Hello, I'm wifey #1," she smirked smugly. With the way she enunciated "#1," her intentions to brag were more than clear.

DELINQUENTS • 𝐤𝐧𝐲 𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐚/𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now