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4:37 AM

"Oh!" Mitsuri sleepily exclaimed as she rolled over to face you. "You got accepted."

"Yeah," you quietly trailed off.

The both of you had went to bed late tonight, which was pretty normal as you both loved talking before going to sleep. Even so, it had already been over an hour since you two decided to hit the hay, so spilling the secret of your acceptance was unexpected. But because of overthinking about it, you couldn't sleep.

You were so worried of everyone's reactions, that you decided to sleep in Mitsuri's bed tonight. She didn't mind it, of course, but you really thought it would ease your worries.

The confession you just admitted to her released a heavy weight off your shoulders, but there was an evident tension now in the room.

"I figured it'd be best if you were one of the first people I told"—you paused, remembering how Kagaya snitched on you to Muzan—"since we are roommates, and all."

"That makes sense," Mitsuri trailed off. It was blatantly obvious she was trying her best, but she was also struggling to find the words to speak. "If I'm being honest right now," she began with a small yawn, "I don't know what to say."

"Understandable," you replied with a yawn of your own. "I'm sorry for dumping this information on you at four in the morning."

She mumbled quietly, "It's alright."

It then grew silent, and you assumed she fell asleep. She shuffled closer to you until her face was buried in your neck. As her breathing began to slow down, you wrapped you arms around her, resting your own head atop hers.

The night felt bittersweet being left off on that note, but there was nothing you could do about it. You decided to just attempt to sleep again, and leaned down to lay against Mitsuri's hair—you inwardly swore it smelled like sakura mochi—as you finally closed your eyes.

But before you could even get into the mindset to sleep, she spoke again.

"I'm proud of you," she mumbled quietly against your neck.

This took you a bit by surprise.

"You are?"

"Hm?" she hummed questioningly as if you just told her something idiotic. "Of course I am," she muttered. "Getting into that school is difficult—I know you've been super stressed lately, so you should take pride in getting accepted."

Misturi didn't even know how much those words meant to you.

"I think you should take it," she sighed a bit sadly.

That statement alone almost shook the sleepiness out of you entirely, and so you shockingly replied, "Really?"

Mitsuri hummed sleepily in confirmation, her head bobbing up and down ever so slightly against your neck.

"I'm"—you were almost at a loss for words—"shocked," you admitted. "But, wouldn't you be sad if I left?" you questioned with confusion.

"Of course I'd be sad, dummy head," Mitsuri scoffed lightly as she bumped your shoulder. She seemed a bit more waken up now. "But it's not like you're dying, or anything. God knows I would force you to video call me every day." There was an almost playful laugh to her tone, and you found yourself smiling at the warmth you suddenly felt from it. "Plus, Shinobu can be my new roommate—I know she's been lonely without her sister there with her."

You couldn't even reply, only smiling as Mitsuri spoke her final thoughts on the matter.

"I'll always be your wifey," she mumbled, and you felt her smile against your skin.

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