Chapter 1

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The rain was actually more soothing that she thought it would be. The forecast called for a thunderstorm and said it would be loud and pouring. But it wasn't. Not from where Dylan was.

Dylan was laying down on her blanket she had spread out earlier that day, before the rain and the horrid weather.

But now it was pouring down rain and everything around her was soaked. Her backpack that had her water bottles and extra shirt in it from her nightly routined run, soaked. her black leggings and sports bra, soaked. Her oldest pair of running shoes, soaked. Everything was soaked.

Staring into the clouds at 8:00 pm was actually calming. The people heading home from there jobs in the state capitol had slowed down. Arkansas was a very busy state though, so there were always truckers driving by or planes flying to the nearest airport on the outskirts of Little Rock.

Dylan let out a sigh, sat up and then grabbed all her stuff. The water pouring down on her not only from the dark gray clouds but from the trees too was starting to get a little cold. She rolled the blanket up under her arm, lifted her backpack, then headed off in the direction of her home, which was a 5 minute walk from where she was.

Humming as she walked and skipped home was a habit that she couldn't break. Humming was yet another very calming thing to Dylan, she didn't know why. Maybe it's because that's what her mother did to help her fall asleep before she left, or it's because it's what her grandmother did while she cooked and helped with homework.

Dylan's father has left before she was born, and her mother only stuck around for 5 years of her life before abandoning her with her fathers mother. She barely had any memories, and for that she was glad. She didn't wanna remember the disgrace people called her parents. If she had to choose, she would keep it this way.

Arriving at her house, she saw her little siblings peeking out the window, waiting for the 19 year old to show up. They were only 14, twins, and newborns when their mother had abandoned them.

Ryland and Chloe saw her from sitting in the window, she could tell by the way the both sat up and grinned, shoving each other then disappearing, probably running to the door to see who could let their big sister in first.

Dylan stood on the front porch, waiting. This was an everyday thing. The twins liked the competition as much as the next person. They always kept score for who won every day, it was written on a board beside the door.

She heard the lock click then the door swung open, showing a heavy breathing teenage girl. Dylan took a minute to look at her younger sister. Her brown hair was so dark it was almost black, her blue eyes were lit up in excitement and love, her shirt cutting off right under her knees, so Dylan knew it was her shirt. Her perfect eyebrows had a slit through each one, something her friends probably talked her into. The freckles on her face were starting to show up more since she hung around outside so much this summer. Her mascara was clumped up on her long eyelashes that she batted. Her braced teeth were showing through her toothy grin.

"I win." was the first thing out of her mouth when she opened the door. Her grin got wider by the minute.

Dylan nodded her head and let out a little laugh. "Looks like you did today, Chloe. I bet Ryland didn't like that."

"I don't.".

The 19 year old turned her head a bit to the right to see the 14 year old boy standing against the wall, arms crossed. You could easily tell Chloe and Ryland were twin, even tho they were the opposite gender and they weren't identical twins. His brown hair was also very dark, and he also had braces. Dylan knew that every girl was obsessed with Ryland in the High School they went too. His hair was the fluffy curly kind that hung around his face but somewhat looked kept up with. He had his glasses on his face, meaning he had taken out his contacts for the day.

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