Chapter 4

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a week after Willow slept over


"Finally, it's freaking Friday.  School could not have gone by any slower." Willow said as she entered the passenger side of Dylan's car.  Dylan had a free period for the 7th period so she had gone home and gotten some clothes and their tent and air mattress.  The girls were going camping in a small town 2 hours away from Little Rock called Mountain View.

Mountain View was a beautiful town, with about 5000 people living there.  If you followed the back roads it would lead to a place called Rosa Hole, which was connected to Blanchard Springs and Sylamore Creek.  There were few camp sites down there, but that's where they planned to be spending the next 4 days, since they had holidays at her school the next Monday and Tuesday.

"Better get going, you know how the View gets during festival weekends." Willow plugged her phone up and instantly spotify popped up on the space ship looking screen of Dylan's car.

"Cardi or Why Don't We?"


Willow looked at her and Dylan met her eyes. Then they cracked a smile and agreed with a loud "hell yeah." Willow turned on their playlist and Dylan pulled out of the parking lot, straight to the road that lead to Mountain View.


"You know I hate this trail. It's to grown in."

"It's a horseback riding trail, of course it's grown in. Lucky our spots not taken at least."

Dylan and Willow had arrived in town around 5:45, stopping at the local sonic to get food and ice cream, then drove the extra 15 minutes to their campsite. It was about a 7-10 minute walk, so they gathered all their stuff and started the walk.

The trail was a lot more grown in than it usually would be. There was grass and briers and bamboo every where. Dylan could hear a couple other people setting up for the weekend, but they're spot wasn't taken, she had ran ahead of Willow before to see.

"Finally, longest walk of my life." Willow dropped the tent.

"We've walked the highway from Conway to Little Rock, no it's not you dumbass." Dylan threw a bag of swimsuits at her, and she caught it. She narrowed her eyes at her and then sighed.

"Whatever, let's just get the damn tent up so we can go jump from the bluffs."

About an hour later, they had set the tent up and gotten dressed in the small space. They grabbed some towels and slid their sandals on their feet, then set out on the trail for the 5 minute walk to the rope swing.

"Ay mates, y'all know another spot that we could set our tent up around here?"

Dylan was the first to turn at the sound of the deeply accented voice. She turned to face 4 guys, 2 with brown hair, a ginger, and a blonde.

The one that spoke was the shortest of the bunch, but by far the cutest in Dylan's opinion. He has BRIGHT blue eyes and one of the most chiseled jawlines she had seen. He was wearing a pair of knee length black swim shorts and strangely a bright blue plaid flannel. He was also barefoot, which wasn't uncommon for being out in the middle of nowhere, but this dude looked like he could clean up well.

"-ht over there, on the other side of that bamboo.". She heard Willow saying. Dylan blushed, realizing she had actually held eye contact with short stack over there for a good while. She shook her head subtly, she could feel his eyes on her.

"Alright thanks love. I'm Louis by the way, this is Liam, and that's Zach and Daniel." He pointed to himself then to the other guys, giving them their names. Liam was the other brunette, a pretty dude. Zach was the ginger, he was pretty cute, also pretty short too. Daniel was the blonde, and he wasn't cute. He was HOT. Dylan turned her head to the ground, playing with one of the many rings on her hand.

"I'm Willow. Miss I-Don't-Talk here is Dylan. If y'all need any help just find us down at the bluffs, or here. We're here every 2 weeks so we pretty much know the place by the back of our hands."

Willow always did better with talking to people, especially the cute guys they ran into.

"Well if you guys will give us 5 minutes we can meet you back here and go with you." The thick accent filled his voice, and Dylan looked back up and met his eyes again.

Mother of Hades his eyes are so familiar and kind and warm and wow I those eyes are so blue like an oce- STOP YOUR RAMBLING IN YOUR OWN BRAIN DYL!

"We can come with y'all instead, so we don't have to wait here alone or go on without all of you." Dylan found the words coming out of her mouth, realizing how deep her country accent was compared to Louis and his british accent.

"So she does speak."

That came from blondie, Daniel. He had that Washington accent, thick too.

Dylan instantly broke eye contact she had still been holding with Louis without even noticing, looking towards the ground and instantly playing with her rings again.

"That'll be fine." Willow came in. Phew it was good to let her talk instead.

The boys all glanced at Louis, who had given Dylan one last look before turning away and heading in the direction Willow had pointed out.

"oh she talks." Willow mimicked Daniel when they started walking, in a low breath so none of the intimidating boys heard.

Dylan shoved her sideways, sending her stumbling. Zach turned back with a strange look, but they kept walking undisturbed.


Dylan sat with her legs dangling off the rock, a good 15 feet above the water. The boys were all jumping off the rope swing and Willow was standing in the shallow having a splash fight with Liam.

Grabbing a bunch of small pebbles, Dylan began to throw them in the direction no one was in. It was peaceful, up here alone. She kept having to readjust her bathing suit top but other than that she was comfortable with listening to the background noise and throwing her pebbles.

"You like to be alone don't you?"

Dylan jumped, she didn't hear any footsteps or breathing climbing up the rock wall.

"Uhm, I mean, kinda? I guess you could say that."

She refused to look up, she knew who it was by the accent.

"Why don't you come join us babe, we're having fun. Willow asked one of us to come get you since she's pretty occupied being drowned in waves."

Dylan sighed and grabbed onto the thick tree branch above her. Where she was she had to climb over a huge gap in the rock to get back to the side the boy was standing on. He reached out a hand but she shook her head, telling him no.

She placed her foot on the foothold and swung across in one smooth move.


She looked up, meeting the eyes of another boy who had walked around the corner.

Daniel was the one who had come to get her, probably thinking he was gonna get something from her. She was actually glad Louis had come around when he did because she saw Daniel step towards her in her peripheral view.

"Uhm, thanks? Like Willow said, we're here every 2 weeks, you get into a habit after a while."

Dylan looked up, meeting the blue eyes.

"Beat you to the rope swing?" He said, nodding his head in the direction of the rope swing.

She shrugged, and walked past him, out onto the bluff next to him. She looked down at the water, back to the boys, and waved. Then she took a step and was falling, soon hitting the water.

Coming up a ways away from where she had jumped, she turned from where she was now standing, looking up at the boys who were staring at her and shaking there head. She flashed them a grin, not knowing why but doing it anyways.

Louis shrugged and jumped off after a minute, leaving Daniel grumbling and walking down the trail, not wanting to jump off from there.

Dylan watched the body of Louis swimming underwater, coming up a little ways away from her. He reached up to move his wet hair out of his face once he stood, then faced her.

"Still on for the rope swing?"

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