Chapter 5: A Hollow: Lost in Arendelle

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I'ts all dark in the castle, and everyone is asleep; everyone but Elsa, the beautiful Snow Queen of Arendelle. Standing on her room's balcony, feeling the evening breeze, she closed her eyes while sniffing the cold evening breeze, remembering memories, like the trouble she has lately caused in her own kingdom, isolating herself, putting everything in a bitter winter, even freezing her own sister Anna to death. It was all painful to remember, causing her to breathe deeply while hugging herself. Then, a moment later, her bedroom door opened, she sensed a figure come in, but she didn't bother to look. "Elsa. . . ." the voice from behind her spoke. She turned around to find the source of her name, finding her sister, in her nightgown, with her hair in braided two-ears wearing a pink scarf, as she continued speaking:"Is something wrong?"  Elsa walked toward her sister and the two of them met just at the end of Elsa's bed, holding each other's hand to comfort each other. She felt peaceful in her sister's presbence. "Everything's fine, Anna." Elsa replied, while still holding her regal demeanor. "Why are you still awake?" Anna replied to her: "Well, the night's awake, so . . . I'm awake." Elsa replied:"Oh." Anna said to her:"You seem kinda worried. Is there anything I can . . . ??" Before Anna could finish, she stopped her, saying: "No, Anna." She paused, and broke free of her sister's hold. She continued:"Everything's fine. It's just that  . . . . i was just thinking of what i did in the past... frozing everything in a bitter winter. . . I'ts all to painful to remember." Elsa shuddered and hugged herself. Anna approached and hugged her behind. "Ohhh. . . well, that was in the past, right?" Anna asked cheekily. "Things ara a bit different now. You can control your powers now, right?" Elsa looked down on her feet and answered, "Well. . .  kind of. I am able to conceal it, somehow. . . " she flashed a weak smile on her face. They hugged each other.Elsa continued: "I'm just thankful that so many wonderful things has happened into my life."Elsa speaking in her sister's ear while closing her eyes, hugging Anna. Anna on the other hand, replied: "Until Jack Frost came along, that is." Elsa was surprised at Anna's words. She didn't expect this "Anna. . . .please. Let's not go into that." Elsa pleaded her sister, looking away. She was already blushing. "What??" Anna exclaimed. "What's wrong with Jack? Aren't you two getting married?" Elsa was dumbstruck by what she heard. Her sister was more excited than her. "Anna, please stop it." Elsa covered her blushing face while looking away, trying to avoid talking about her love life. "Why? Isn't it true? Aren't you two . . . . ." Elsa walked away even more to avoid. Anna gasped loudly. "So it's true! You're getting MARRIED!?" Anna unepectedly raised her voice which ranged across the room. Elsa turned around, signaling to her sister to keep her voice down. "Anna, shush!! You'lll wake everybody!"  Anna covered her mouth with  both hands to stop what words may come out of her lips. Then she continued: "So it is true!" Anna exclaimed, as if in a whispering manner."Oh. . . I can't wait!! Imagine you two getting married. . . oh it would be exciting!!! I would wear a long dress, no, no, no. . . a BEAUTIFUl long long dress. . well, not as beautiful as your dress will be. Of course you're the bride so . . . . . .  " Anna seems she would not stop talking. Elsa seems irritated, she turned and walked away. She was trying hard not to yell at her sister, she was clenching her fists on her side trying to conceal her emotions. Her temples soon began to hurt like hell, she closed her eyes shut. "Enough, Anna. . . " Elsa said, while gritting her teeth. But Anna is still blabbering in the background. Unexpectedly, Elsa erupts. "I said. . . . ENOUGH!!!!" This caused a surge of snow flakes  from Elsa, which shocked Anna. Anna was too shocked, she was rooted to the ground, only looking at her sister in shock. Ashamed, and knowing her mistake, she looked down on her feet. "I'm sorry. .. . Elsa. I . . . i should go now." Elsa came back to her senses, when she realized she has lost it again. Snow was scattered on her bedroom floor, an indication that her powers accidentally surges from her. She turned around to Anna, hoping to apoligize to her and meking her stay. "I'm sorry, Anna. . . . Please don't go. . .." Elsa pleaded to her sister, but Anna continued walking away to the door with a sad face. She realized, ELSA  must have a moment alone, so she better leave. As for Elsa, she better make something out, else she would again distant away from her sister again. Then, an idea came into her mind.  As Anna was leaving for the door, a snowball as big as her fist hit her head, causing her to be shaken off guard. "Ow!" She exclaimed, holding the back of her head where the snowball hit. Before she could turn to see, another snowball flew right into her face. "OWWW!!!" Her face was covered with snow. She wiped it off with her right hand and saw another one coming. She barely has time to dodge the attack; she knew it was Elsa who was throwing snowballs at her.  The third snowball hit her again. Anna pouted her lips with a frown, unable to fire back a shot at Elsa. Elsa, on the other hand, kept creating snowballs, throwing one each time. "Come on, Anna." Elsa laughed convincingly, hoping to make her sister laugh. "It's not funny, Elsa." Anna sternly said, unrooted from the spot where she was standing. Huge mounds of snow was already forming at her feet, making her feel the icy air lingering in her toes. Elsa keep laughing while throwing snowballs at her. Finally, she could't stand it. She dodged the last attack, and gathering some snow on the floor, formed it into a ball, raised it into the air and shouted "It is a snowball fight!" Elsa and Anna exchanged throwing snowballs at each other. Both were laughing while chasing each other. The tension soon began to fade as the two sisters forget and threw all cares into the air, not minding the mess they caused. As Anna was about to throw another snowball, a loud growl was heart just outside the castle. Anna was unnerved. Even Elsa was able to hear it. It was a low, short growl, yet deep and full of anguish. It seems that whever the grow belongs to, it is something BIG. The sisters look into each other, dropping the snowballs from their hands. They looked into each other, puzzled. "Was that your stomach?" Anna asked. "No." Elsa answered."It's . . . something else." The both of them listened to the silience around them, not uttering any words, not making any sound. Then, the unexpected happen. The whole balcony exploded with a loud BANG! and an enormous hand barraged its way in. Good thing Elsa was able to see it so she pushed Anna  away, instinctively also rushing to the other side, resulting for the giant hand to close and grab nothing but air. Feeling its failure, the owner of the hand grumbled and growled, pulling out the whole arm. As the arm dissapeared, Elsa rushed to her sister's side. "Anna, are you okay?" Elsa asked, her voice slightly trembling. Maybe she pushed her sister to hard that she ended almost bellyflat to the floor. God thing her sister smiled at her. "I'm fine." Anna answered as Elsa helped her stand up. "What was that?" Anna asked herself as she straightened ou her nightdress. Elsa was about to answer when the same growl was heard from the broken balcony. The sisters slowly walked towards the window to see the source of all the trouble,  with Elsa taking the lead, holding Anna's hand. Just as they were near the window, what they saw was something they'll never forget. A black, shadowy figure was standing outside the castle, big and tall as the castle. Its has a hole in its chest, long sharp nails, and a wicked-looking tail. But what was most horrifying all was its face, a large, white skull, or mask, with six, mean yellow eyes, two large horns pointed and curved forward, and a wicked, sinister smile on its face, its almost decaying teeth exposed. The both of them gasped in stupified horror, holding each other's hands tightly. All of a sudden, the creature released a loud roar towards them as all that they could do was to close their eyes and pray for what may come. The creature continued to roar as wind and saliva  was raining towards the  queen and her sister. Finally, the roaring  stopped. The sisters individually opened their eyes and looked into each other's state with disgust. The two of them are covered with saliva, wet but not totally drenched. " EewwwWW. . . .That's . .  disgusting!!" Anna exclaimed as both of them try to wipe off the sticky fluids from their dresses. As they were busy wiping of the fluids from their dress. the creature once again inserted its whle arm into the balocony and tried to reach one of them. Anna let out a scream: "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!" as the creature tried to reach and grabbed her.  Elsa used her ice powers to send an array of ice blast to the creature's hand. She was able to freeze  it, pulling Anna to her side. Unlickily, the creature broke free of the ice with an enourmous strength and again tried to reach for the two sisters this time too fast for elsa to stop this, as the monster was roaring with anger. Elsa gasped as she and Anna hugged each other and closed their eyes, hoping that somebody might save them.  They were about to give up. . . when they heard a voice. "REIGN OVER THE FROSTED HEAVENS!! HYORIMRAU!" An ice dragon smashed off the monster's face, knocking him straight to the ground. The sisters were startled, as they know what was going on.  In a blink of an eye, a figure with white haori, white spiky hair, and green teal eyes came flying past the broken balcony window, carrying a mean-looking sword,moving as fast as the wind. As they was about to look below, a familiar figure came flying from afar, carrying a j-shaped branch, wearing a blue hooded jacket. They were relieved when they realized who the figure belonged to as it descended in front of them. It was Jack Frost. "Elsa!" Jack landed right in time as he hugged Elsa. "Jack." Elsa hugged Jack, feeling safe in his arms. Jack continued:"Are you okay?" "Yeah, I'm fine." Elsa answered, assuring him that everything was fine. "Well, it's about time someone saves us."Anna joined in."Theat dragon trick was cool, though." Jack looked at anna, puzzled. "Huh?" Jack raised an eyebrow. "Oh . . Please." Anna crossed her arms. "Don't be so innocent, Jack boy.  You came a bit late." Jack was still unsure. "But i didn't create the ice dragon, not even the thought of it. . ." he explained. "Anna and Elsa looked at each other, then back at Jack. "So. . . . who. . . .???" Elsa stried to piece a sentence together when Jack makes his move.  "He did it." Jack turned around while shouldering his stick, and pointed to the broken balcony window, revealing the monster and the little fellow about to engage in a battle. Elsa and Anna followed with their eyes. Meanwhile. . . .

Outside the castle, beneath the night sky, Toshiro held his zanpakuto in front him, the monster getting up from the ground and turning to the little death god, let out a loud roar. But Toshiro was unnerved. Instead, he tightened the grip of his zanpakuto, ready for anytime to attack. The monster, without a second thought, opened its jaws, forming a red cero ready to fire at will. Then suddenly the creature fired the cero at the little death god. But Toshiro was quick enough to use shunpo and dissapeared from sight just as the cero was about to hit him. Then, he appeared just above the creatures head, several feet higher. With a loud battle cry, he swings his zanpakuto downward, slicing the creature in two. As the mosnter slowly dissolved into nothingness, the whole town of Arendelle lies asleep, unaware of what was happening. Toshiro landed on the ground, and looking up to where Jack was, teleported to the queen's room. To the sister's surprise, the boy wasn't as tall as much. He sheathed his zanpakuto on his back, and sighed. "Two hollows in one night . . . not bad after all." Toshiro said to himself, while looking at Jack, and taking a glimpse at the two sisters. "uhmmm. . . . Who's he?" Anna asked Jack without taking her eyes off at the death god. "Oh. . . Um . . . Elsa, Anna. . . this is . . . um . . To-" Before Jack could finish his word, Toshiro cut him off and started walking towards the sisters. "I'm Captain Toshiro Hitsugaya of the 10th Division from Soul Society." he begin with a straight face."And I'm here to take care of a few things., like that monster outside." He turned his back to them and started walking towards the broken balcony window ."You should learn how to control your powers, your Highness." He turned around to face the two ladies. "If not, your powers will be the one to control you. . .  and it will already be too late." Anna was a little bit irritated by the way the death god talked towards her sister. "Hey. . .  if you . . ." Anna pointed to the death god but Elsa stopped her, telling through her eyes "it's gonna be alright" with a smile. Looking at Toshiro, she started her pace forward, holding her royalness, her hands clasped in front. "Thank you for you concern, captain. . but. . .  there are things that I don't yet understand. I hope you could explain everything to me." Elsa told the death god. Toshiro paced forward, closing the distance between him and the Snow Queen. "Oh, there are a lot more things that you need to know, you highness." he said, with his green teal eyes sparkled in the gloominess of the room. Jack yawned, and said to himself. "Oh boy. . . . it's going to be a long night."

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