You Again?!

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*~*My POV*~*

Suzuna was very excited, despite what her face showed. There was a new sweepstakes. One of the prizes was an all expense paid weekend trip to the beach, where she and 7 friends can come. She had to fill out a three page application and she didn't have time during the day. And she would be bored at home, and it would probably be ruined by the sound of her mother walking around and falling through the floors.

Usually someone would be nervous with all these delinquents in the room staring at her. But Suzuna didn't really care at all. Then the door opens and in thrown was her friend, Aratake. " I don't wanna have to come find you again! Stay in here! " The dean said. " Fuck off old man " He said annoyed as the man slammed the door closed. He stands up and dusts himself off, only to look around and find the girl he keeps running into.

" I'm never gonna get rid of you am I? " He asked, walking over to her and shoving his hands in his pockets. " Oh, your here too? " She asked. " I should be asking you that. You seem like a nice girl so why do you have detention? " He asked leaning forward. " I don't have detention though " She said. " Then why the hell are you in here?? " He asked. " I needed someplace quiet to pay attention to my sweepstakes " She shrugged. " Why don't you go home then? " He asked.

" Misaki would keep falling over and messing up my concentration. I need it to be quiet " She shrugged, looking back down at the application. He sweat-dropped at her. She was right but who would come to detention to concentrate? He sits down next to her, leaning back in his chair. " Is that his girlfriend? Maybe we can blackmail him " One boy whispered to his friend. " That's a good idea " His friend answered. They stared at Suzuna, making Aratake glare at him.

However he didn't hear what they were talking about because he was too busy staring at Suzuna himself.

~The next day~

Suzuna was walking back from the post office. She decided to personally send this one there because it was very important. And the post office wasn't open yesterday. Then all of a sudden her mouth was covered and she was pulled into an alleyway. She was slammed onto the brick wall, causing her body to bounce back. " Ouch... " She said. Then she saw a whole bunch of unfamiliar boys, her body suddenly went stiff. She couldn't move at all, she was terrified and for once her face showed it.

" Aww look! The little kitty is scared " One boy said. " Don't worry. We won't hurt you unless we have to. " Another said. They dragged her away to an abandoned building, then sent a note to Aratake.

~A little bit later~

Aratake was running down the street with a very angry look on his face. " Hey isn't that the kid who fought Shirokawa? " Takumi comments. " Huh? Where? " Shirokawa asked, him and the rest of the moron trio appearing out of no where. " Right there— hey where'd you three come from?! " Misaki asked. " We were just coming back from our shift just now " Kurosaki said. " It is him isn't it " Ikuto said. " Oh yeah that is! Hey Aratake! How's it— " He stopped when the boy walked right passed them.

" He looks mad.... maybe we shouldn't pry too deep " Takumi said. " Hey Aratake! " Misaki called after him. " Well I guess she can't leave him alone... " He sighed now following after her with the others. " Hey wait up what's your problem? " She asked. " I dunno you tell me " He said shoving the note and picture in her face.

Hey Aratake we have your little girlfriend! If you don't want her to get hurt then you'll go tell the whole school that you lost to us. If you want to challenge us you can, but come alone.

Misaki read the note out loud. " I'll kill them! Where are they tell me!! " She said. " Hey! Man girl! " A sassy voice said. " Oh, hey Aoi! What're you doin here? " Misaki said. " I went to a brand new cake shop today. What are you guys doing here? " He asked. " Well me and Misa were just going on a date when people showed up and started ruining it " Usui said, holding misaki's waist. " No we weren't! Let go of me you sexual harassing pervert! " She said.

" Ugh! Could you two stop flirting for five seconds? " Aoi asked. " We're not flirting! " Misaki said. " Anyways, then we found Aratake and his friends kidnapped Suzuna! " Misaki said. " Oh. So you were walking with your boyfriend... " He said pointing to Misaki. " And then ran into him trying to save his girlfriend? Man can't you guys ever have normal teenage problems? " He asked annoyed. " He is /She is not my boyfriend/girlfriend!!! "

" Whatever " Aoi flipped some of his hair(the wig) out of his face. " It's one of three places that they always go. " He explained. " How'd you know where they always go? " Takumi asked, as they finally caught up with Misaki and Aratake. " I used to be friends with them " He said. " Well why'd you stop being friends with them? " Ikuto said. " Those guys just wanted to go around fighting innocent people just to prove that their strong. But that's wrong " He said.

" Says the delinquent who got my sister kidnapped " Misaki narrowed her eyes at him with her arms crossed. " Hey! I may be a delinquent but I don't just go around picking random fights with people I don't have anything to do with! " He said. " We're getting off topic here. Where are those three places?" Takumi asked. " One is a graveyard, there's an off road section just behind it where there is a small rundown house " He said.

" Two, a few blocks down behind an old mans house. There's a treehouse. It's surrounded by dogs so it'll be pretty hard to get there. And the last one is behind a junkyard that's behind one of the houses near the old mans house " He explained. " Man your delinquent hideouts are so creepy " Aoi said. " But I'm so excited because we get to play delinquent again!! " He said. " What's this little girl talking about? " Aratake asked. " Just... roll with it " Misaki sighed.

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