1. Stella is acting strange

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Listen to Strangers by Halsey x Lauren Jauregui

Meera's POV

"Ha! I told you my boobs are bigger," Stella said, clapping her hands together.

I smirked at our reflections in the bedroom mirror, breathless from the sex. "I don't think so," I said, sliding my bra up and buttoning up my shirt in a frenzy. "I don't want to have this petty debate with you anymore. Why? Does it matter so much to you?"

Having sex right before I go to work was a horrible idea. I was already late, my shirt was crumpled, my hair was ruined and my wife still looked turned on.

She stared down at me with a tilted smile. "No, it doesn't matter." With a short moan, she dipped her head down and sucked my neck.

"Honey, stop!" I said, trying to push her away. "I'm already late. I need to go."

"Meera..," she breathed, sliding her hands down my back and cupping my ass.

"What's gotten into you?" I laughed, successfully shoving her away. "You're a lazy bitch in the mornings."

Stella threw her hands on her waist and beamed at the ceiling. Her eyes glittered even with the dim lighting. "I don't know, Meera. I woke up today feeling like a fucking goddess."

I pulled a plain white shirt from the closet and threw it at her. "Okay, Goddess! Cover your tits now." With an ever-widening beam, she pulled the shirt above her head. "You look happy," I noted as I grabbed my purse and flung the door open.

Her eyes met mine. "Yes." A pause of meaningful silence followed. "I have everything. You. I have you."

My lips curled into a smile. "You're weird today."

The noises of television rushed in when I opened the door, and a little blond figure tumbled in with a squeal.

Talia. Our daughter.

"Mommy!" she said, wrapping her little hands around Stella's legs. "Good morning..."

My heart gushed as I watched Stella pick her up and press a fat kiss on her cheek. "Lia! You sweet little cupcake!" she said, grinning. When Stella tickled her stomach, Lia giggled, all toothy laughs and red cheeks.

"Stop! Mommy...stop," she squealed.

I suppressed the twang of jealousy that surfaced in my heart. It was obvious that Talia liked Stella more than me. Possibly because Stella was younger. Prettier. Owned a company of her own. And I was just a supervisor in a Pharma factory that no one cared about.

But my train of thoughts broke when Talia waved at me and spoke in a solemn voice. "Why were you screaming, Ma? Are you hurt?"

A short gasp escaped my mouth before I could cover it. "W-what? I wasn't screaming." Was I that loud during sex? I mentally noted that I should turn the TV on next time.

"You were," she argued. "I heard you making noise. Aah! Aah..," she imitated my moan and I internally squirmed.

Stella burst into laughter, carefully putting the child down. "Oh no, Lia. Your Ma and I were..." She locked eyes with me and winked before saying "...dancing."

I blew a breath of relief. So close.

A dreamy look passed Talia's face. Her hands lifted around her like little wings. "I want to dance too..."

"Sure," said Stella, grabbing her hand and twirled the laughing child around. They hummed a tune I didn't recognize.

I cleared my throat. "Are you two done showering love at each other? Let's get started, sweetie. You don't want to be late on the first day of school. Come on."

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